
this is true but there’s a big and important difference this time, they’re turning everything over to the PACs, not the fed or state parties, and the PACs have a significantly less effective record
This isn't the first campaign season where the Republicans have a money problem. It'll end the same way it always does - right wing billionaires will quietly make sure to give them what they need. I don't pay the "oh no they have a fundraising problem" stories much heed.
Doesn't matter much. When the time comes the GOP will have the money it needs, it always does, because their whole thing is selling off America for parts on behalf of the people with all the money. The people with the money will not leave them hanging.
I can offer a little insight as a former GOP campaign guy: it may be true that RW donors always have money in the banana stand, there's mechanics of funding/articulating that money into campaigns. Trump could grab a $50m check tomorrow, but he'd need offices and volunteers to send it to.
Trump's campaign style is heavy on free-media exposure, which he'll continue to have, but there's no indication that he's developed infrastructure to transform exposure into GOTV or precinct work, he took advantage of it in '16, but that stuff is gone now. Money for ads ain't gonna cut it.
he put charlie kirk’s PAC in charge of GOTV
One of the main reasons I'm a "Biden wins 60-70% of 1000 simulated 2024 campaigns" guy. Also media, in general, *hates* covering the machines, and the state ops. It stays murky for a lot of reasons (press covering for consultant friends, etc), but it drives way more than the attention would suggest.
the republican machines are in fucking terrible, terrible shape