Snowden St.

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Snowden St.

COan. Cannabis regulatory analyst, a poorly-fit Lutheran, 2x B1G grad (Go Blue, Ski-U-Mah!). Can't stop thinking about sports, religion, history, weed, and beans.

DM on Signal: @Snowden.316
Went to one of the highest alpine lakes in the US, Ptarmigan Lake (~12,147 ft above sea level) in San Isabel NF.
Gonna spend most of the day enjoying the good stuff this country has contributed to the world: public lands, baseball, jazz, strong weed, energy drinks, and breakfast burritos.
One of the S-tier bites in the entire US is that farrago of “baked beans + mustard potato salad + macaroni salad + potato chip crumbs” that accrues on your plate at the 4th of July or neighborhood block party.
A tweet you still think about
a tweet you still think about
Young people don’t understand, in the early 2000’s every third guy was Chet Hanks
Nothing but respect for MY national anthem
This 4th of July, take a little time to think about how the Left can try to reclaim patriotism from conservatives. Seems like the story of a country that cast off a king and fought a civil war to free the slaves is fertile ground given our present moment.
"Marching Through Georgia" - Union Civil War *atlanta heard burning in the distance*
Me, any time I’ve left the US for more than a month:
america sucks but there arent any other holidays where it's acceptable to take hallucinogens, eat burgers and launch semi-regulated pyrotechnics
Speaking of: any poster putting out “worst empire ever” takes while living in a state with licensed cannabis has gotta spend 10 minutes in the “I’m A Doofus” dunk tank.
Gonna spend most of the day enjoying the good stuff this country has contributed to the world: public lands, baseball, jazz, strong weed, energy drinks, and breakfast burritos.
Gonna spend most of the day enjoying the good stuff this country has contributed to the world: public lands, baseball, jazz, strong weed, energy drinks, and breakfast burritos.
Genuinely mortifying to see a bunch of 30somethings firing off their varieties of “actually, it’s dumb to be proud of being American” takes and acting as if it’s bold, courageous, or even interesting.
One of the more interesting subplots to the whole retirement push is that we’re gonna get a real good insight into how many Dem donors and pundits rely on the NYT (derogatory) and into how much the NYT moves the needle for others. Not equating targets, but the NYT went at Abe Lincoln too.
their influence isn't limited to their readership tbf. they're one of the three papers of record and feed the media ecosystem
This catfish has spent 30 years berating his local newspaper about abortion and will flop out of the pond if he sees a queer fish take the Eucharist
[extremely Lutheran joke incoming] This catfish doesn’t think women should speak in church
Long live the King
Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to divest from Israel, Turkey, and Morocco, and to begin dialogues with General Electric and, uh, PALANTIR about providing tech to Israel.
Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to divest from Israel (RNS) — On Monday, the denomination also passed a resolution denouncing Christian Zionism.
Feels like a good day to bring this back up
As a general life principle, I recommend "don't pay attention to any poll, unless you know what questions were asked, ~and why~."
“Just as our old Republican friend President Lincoln said: “it was not best to swap horses when crossing streams”, and yet we see the Democrat Party once again opposing Lincoln’s wisdom.” Not saying the move ain’t worth it, but the lay-ups are gonna be there, no use denying it.
i’m just asking you to take a moment to consider this from biden’s perspective: most of the fundamentals still look good for him. he’s beaten trump once. swapping the nominee this late has never worked, and there is *every* reason to believe republicans in every contested state would contest it
Shoutout to one of the most interesting politicians in American history, and perhaps the last (only?) decent Texas politician at the federal level.
Coffee helped fuel the defeat of traitors. #1 Brain Drug
Michael Pollan’s kinda my nemesis, BUT he’s a great popularizer, and his book “This Is Your Mind On Plants” is great at illustrating how, more than opium or cannabis, CAFFEINE has completely overhauled the world. #1 Brain Drug, not even close.
How Coffee Helped the Union Caffeinate Their Way to Victory in the Civil The North’s fruitful partnership with Liberian farmers fueled a steady supply of an essential beverage
Folks are wondering why Biden isn't running on his pro-labor policies, and I'd argue it's the same reason why he doesn't promote what the FTC and CFPB are doing: the Dem base likes these programs, but the current Dem megadonor class doesn't!
I know the reasons why they'd blow me off (cough cough donors), but I can't be the only person who would like an audience with Biden advisors to humbly suggest that they promote what Lina Khan and their white-collar DOJ efforts are doing. Gonna be sad to see this era end, whenever it does.
Consumerism is one of the biggest problems in the world, part MDCCVII
Conceding the premise that the presidency is a show and all that matters is how it’s perceived and not what it can do has infected our entire politics, and given Republicans carte blanche to be incompetent because it doesn’t matter that they fail it only matters that they can sell it as success
Conducting Occult Research 📐🪨
I’m still in my first month of 40, and I swear on my life to change this. We’re gonna turn this into a “What’s lookin’ good?” “Doin’ rock solid, friend” situation if I have my way
40 year old man entering the bar: what’s up meatbags other 40 year olds in unison: epic
Psych I’m in hell in extra innings, good one, God
Young Earnest Me would be joking you in losing my mind over the Uruguay VAR. But I’m in my Older Wiser Me stage, and know enough about CONCACAF and CONMEBOL to not waste my spirit. I’m choosing to rise my tides by watching the Brewers slap around the Rockies.
Young Earnest Me would be joking you in losing my mind over the Uruguay VAR. But I’m in my Older Wiser Me stage, and know enough about CONCACAF and CONMEBOL to not waste my spirit. I’m choosing to rise my tides by watching the Brewers slap around the Rockies.
Bob Seger
Name someone or something you trust more than the US Supreme Court.
“…a narrowing pessimistic attitude, a lack of faith in the possibility of creative advance, is evil, particularly by its obvious tendency to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But, again, cynicism is a sentiment, not a conclusion.“
let me put this another way: despair, or its new name, doomerism, asserts omniscience--that things cannot be better, that all possibilities of good are already foreclosed, that you can know this as fact. it looks like humility, but it's all ego. it is, in fact, the assumption of godhood.
ADDENDUM: Some of them died less than four years ago
I tend to agree, and also think that the millions of arguments about "fault" that people will have are almost completely useless/sentimental. There will be some obvious people driving the matter, but the acts and actors that set the current world into motion all died at least 20 years ago
Genuinely curious what the vibes are in military vet chats this morning, both enlisted and commissioned.
This is good sincere advice! If you want a little harder-nosed version: everyone’s entitled to their own reaction, but panic or nihilism are not signals of strength or moral virtue, and you should get over that lemmings shit, with urgency. We need helpers, not welpers.
guys, i know things are getting bad but you cannot wake up everyday and talk/act like the world is already over because of a comically shitty presidential debate with two geriatrics. the bad guys have already won if you are living in fear/dread like that. im being painfully sincere lol.
PKD's Guide To Living Under The Roberts Court
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
Whole lotta you need Less Honkin', Mort Garson this morning.
UPDATE: fourth panel details