Vikram Bath

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Vikram Bath

Former business school professor, current software engineer. Writes at
Why can’t we get an intellectual anywhere near the presidency? Someone like a critically acclaimed author?
All four of the major party presidential ticket candidates very likely voted for Al Gore and John Kerry over George W Bush
If you’re the right kind of Indian they will sometimes you get grandfathered into pseudo-whiteness
I assume this is being leaked as a temperature check, so let me say that the temperature is awful. Rent control inhibits the construction of new supply. It makes it harder for people to move and get leases in the first place
Why do we let people play soccer again?
Reposted byAvatar Vikram Bath
For those keeping score at home, the President apparently does not have the constitutional authority to appoint a special prosecutor, but if he straight up orders DOJ to fabricate evidence to wrongfully prosecute a political opponent that's his right.
“And so I come to you all with a message of unity for all—even the losers and vermin who hate our country and want to destroy it from within”
I don’t know whether this will be another 9/11 or another covfefe. A point in favor of the latter is that there are a bunch of shootings on a regular basis and Saturday’s was just one of them
I mean, I hate to say it, but it is absolutely a business that works out to be a natural monopoly. There’s an easy rationale for it to be operated as either a utility or as a nonprofit
Nationalize Ticketmaster
Why doesn’t the Secret Service use drones to unobtrusively check out rooftops? These distances are nothing
Hopefully no one is seriously injured and everyone recovers fully
Why would Joe Biden do this?
Why not? Let’s do it. Televise it.
I have introduced my 12-year-old daughter to Factorio
Reposted byAvatar Vikram Bath
This is true, I think, and I'm taking a crack at that theory of mind in this new piece!
The problem is that we are knee deep in politics and everyone in politics is in it 30 feet over their heads and so we have no theory of mind for people who are like “I’m not really sure about which way and whether I will vote” Those people are a different species from you and I
Stochastic The poltergeist in the (social science) machine
The problem is that we are knee deep in politics and everyone in politics is in it 30 feet over their heads and so we have no theory of mind for people who are like “I’m not really sure about which way and whether I will vote” Those people are a different species from you and I
Anyone try the Connections puzzle on NYTimes? It’s always been too hard for me. I finally got all of them this time though: Connections Puzzle #395 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟩🟩🟩🟩
Barrett wrote an excellent concurring opinion in Trump v US , she also joined the majority's opinion in full. In sum, she is a land of contrasts.
I think about quitting online and doing something else with all the time, but online gives us so much to think about
Under communism my in-laws had bosses they had to obey *and* they starved
Is this funny? Yes, but please simultaneously register that we are being manipulated
The attempt to replace Biden was executed way too slowly. It needed higher-level pressure from multiple Democrats with a national profile in the first week. But these are people used to slow-moving, anonymous consensus building. They lost momentum. Joe is the nominee
“Rep. Jerry Nadler (N.Y.) — who just two days ago privately called for Biden to leave the ticket — said that, while he still has concerns over the president’s candidacy, those are now “beside the point.” 
“He’s going to be our nominee, and we all have to support him,” Nadler said.“
House Democrats subtly start accepting that Biden may be in race to No further House Democrats publicly called on President Biden to abandon his reelection campaign after an all-member meeting on Tuesday morning, suggesting the ground may be subtly shifting toward acc...
“Dishonest” is the correct word because one of the main reasons to go into journalism—an industry who’s working conditions are terrible—is that one might have some modicum of influence
It is Monday and Biden has reaffirmed he is staying, so I think he is staying through November. This is not a tragedy. He is not ten points behind. He is the incumbent in a country that is doing okay aside from the threats from the political party that opposes him. It is not at all hopeless
there were legit concerns that came out of the debate! I shared those legit concerns! since then: 1) the polling has stubbornly refused to fall off a cliff 2) Biden has done enough to convince me, and I think convince anyone else who's being fair, that he doesn't have dementia.
It is cruel that we make kids go through curated experiences in school that we say are critical for their personal development and then turn around and say all those experiences are cliches no one cares about