K. Chen

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K. Chen


Heartless humanist, unmovable automaton, fount of terrifying knowledge and purveyor of Collegey Velveteen Discourse. Insightful and painful enough to be the germ of something really excellent. @tznkai on Twitter and elsewhere
Wait there's only an average of $2,650 per depositor?
Starting May 11, more than 100,000 Americans with $265 million in deposits were locked out of their accounts. Roughly 85,000 of those customers were at Yotta alone, according to the startup’s co-founder, Adam Moelis.
How thousands of Americans got caught in fintech’s false promise and lost access to bank accountswww.cnbc.com The Synapse collapse has revealed fintech's promise of safety as a mirage. More than 100,000 Americans with $265 million in deposits were locked from accounts.
Some public speaking nerd wished on a monkey's paw that people would care about public speaking more.
On the one hand I appreciate all information and on the other hand I wish Sir Chuck or whoever is king all the worst.
PSA America It's Sir Keir, or (the) Prime Minister, or just the surname. It's not "Prime Minister Starmer" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Sir Starmer" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
Look, politician should do my preexisting policy preference to solve their latest problem is a time-honored tradition but this would just lead to headlines of "is Biden distracting from the debate by (whatever)".
Things Biden could do that would take attention away from the debate and his age: (1) Call for expanding the Supreme Court (2) Announce that he's ending or strictly conditioning military aid to Israel until the war in Gaza ends
I'm doing YNAB and need to reward myself with a Steam Game. Feel free to inflict a suggestion.
A great thread detailing why history resists comparisons where all else is held equal.
Sometimes you'll see the usual debate over if independence was actually good and it will be praising stuff about the Westminster system or 19th C. UK history, and it's things that only developed after, in some cases directly in response to the Revolution. It's all heavily intertwined and contingent.
There's a framework lurking here I need to workshop out. We tend to conflate these concepts or imply missing one creates the other e.g. assuming a good relationship has no problematic elements. * Healthy * Dysfunctional * Loving * Predatory * Problematic * Nonconsensual I'm missing plenty I'm sure
I have unsettled feelings about America today. There's exhaustion and fear and frustration and so so much disgust mixed it. But also, this is my country, my birthright that they are trampling on.
I'm fighting the urge to do something stupid to stop Mom and Dad from fighting on the timeline right now and also suppressing the urge to yell at you all.
Reposted byAvatar K. Chen
I don't want my account to become 100% posting about how bad Trump v US is but it just keeps bouncing around in my brain and revealing new ways that it's terrible. It's up there with Dred Scott and I hope I live to see that become consensus.
Didn't we do this already with Gisele Fetterman
When the dust settles and people hear the stories that I've heard about Biden at fundraisers in LA, people are going to think Jill Biden is an absolute monster for allowing it to continue.
That having been said now I feel like running an Isekai DnD game
How is there still so much isekai
Under Trump v. United States Biden has more constitutional authority to order the DoJ to maliciously prosecute corporations that use noncompetes than to bar noncompetes through notice and comment administrative rulemaking.
Jebas I had actually forgotten about this, damn you all for reminding me.
So no joke they should teach safe words in school health class and the fact that it will make the entire thing extremely cringe and unsexy is a feature not a bug.
Remember when a bunch of GOP politicians played coup chicken and there was an actual coup attempt? Let's not do that again please.
Trump’s re-election will mean four hideous years of the GOP playing constant Civil War Chicken at best - as this Heritage Foundation ghoul made clear - and actual civil war at worst. Avoiding that bloody nightmare is a pretty damn good reason to suck it up and vote for Biden.
Conservatives hate America despite claiming to love it and too many leftists claim to hate America while loving it because they've accepted lies about who counts as America.
They figure that well, Trump will go away at some point but future generations will have a properly virtuous King who can rule us properly. It's an extraordinary betrayal of America.
A few people have pointed out the incoherence of overturning Chevron and giving the executive absolute immunity and it may really be as simple as encouraging the Presidency as personalist rule.
It hasn't been a week since the debate, and we're all acting like we've been subjected to a month of bad news and actual failures.
I'll frankly admit I have been bullied into accepting a Harris swap just to stop this discourse. fuck it
Longer school years shorter days.
Every Summer since my children entered public school I am mad that we don't have year-round schooling
The Washington Naval Treaty sounds like something you'd make up to justify a video game.
How is there still so much isekai
We're all acting like the polling data has gotten much worse but it's not, what's worse is the legal news. It's all very mandate of heaven
I really need to get off of this website the last two days have been wretched and my behavior has been compulsive.
Libertarians man, not even once.
Assuming this is correct, and I think it is, it will need to be removed root and branch throughout the several states. And this will suck because it'll ratchet the justice system yet another step towards punishment and away from mercy.
Amongst a growing list of things that I think is failed in our current Constitutional order is the pardon power. It’s too powerful. And while in theory it could do some good; I think it’s too dangerous to be allowed to exist (One Ring to Rule them All). I think it should be ended.
I guess I want to hear about some goddawful internals or private knowledge to justify this panic
NEW: Austin Democrat Lloyd Doggett becomes the first sitting member of Congress to call for Biden to drop out of the presidential race (via Matthew Choi, Texas Tribune)
I resent that I have to be grateful the judge didn't fire off a nationwide injunction.
"The State of Texas will not need to abide by the U.S. Department of Labor’s new overtime rule... following a preliminary injunction request ... which relies on the Supreme Court’s same-day decision that overturned the Chevron doctrine" www.hrdive.com/news/texas-s...
State employees in Texas not subject to overtime rule, judge holdswww.hrdive.com The ruling — which relies on the Supreme Court’s same-day decision that overturned the Chevron doctrine — is likely to foreshadow similar pending challenges, attorneys noted.
1. Sometimes if you stay at a job it imperils your soul and mental well being and your friends should tell you to quit in protest. 2. Jamelle Bouie is not your friend, you are not his friend. You are internet strangers, and you have a parasociality problem.
Demanding Bouie denounce the NYT or forever be declared a shitlib; Bouie asked what they thought that would accomplish and they responded "nothing as such" I'm paraphrasing but not by a lot.
A problem with people who know too much about politics is they don't really think voters are real. Kind of like how physicists don't really think atoms are real.