
It rules that the Full House lady left Hallmark for Great American because the conservetive-coded Hallmark had gotten too gay (one gay couple) and Woke in recent years for her Christian-right tastes, but I promise you that the same thing will happen to her at her current home…
Sincerely believe that I have my fingers more firmly on the political instincts and pulse of non-Hispanic white america than you do because I take the time to watch Hallmark and Great American Family movies. I know where the next Jan. 6 is happening but you do not
…I don’t care how devoted to Christian and traditional values it is, corporate wokeness comes for ALL. Great American Family movies gonna be so gay so soon, Full House girl’s head’s gonna explode. This year, Mario Lopez, another Hallmark turncoat, signed a multi year deal with the Great American…
…explicitly promising to bring inclusion & diversity. I know he’s a Republican and I know you, a cynic, might see this as a patina of diversity in a sea of social conservatism with a happy facade, but no that’s some DEI shit no matter Mario’s party registration WOKE COMES FOR ALL, full house girl
Media is so interesting because Modern Family was a vaguely embarrassing middle America TV show but I think for many, many people across the country, it’s still the first thing they think of when they think about gay people.
Aside from a few wild reactionaries, I think a lot of actual diversity and inclusion involves getting over the first few moments of discomfort with a group and then just wondering what shenanigans they’re getting up to next week.
Is that the lady who went to prison?
No, the one whose brother got an actress fired from Growing Pains because she posed for Playboy.
The gays are relentless. They won’t stop until they get a foothold into the dramatic arts.
Dude, I didn’t discover the existence of Straighter Than Hallmark until this past New Year’s and what the ever loving hell, man…
“This Hallmark movie isn’t wholesome enough” has got to be a minuscule and ridiculously unstable and volatile demographic.”
It’s hilarious to me that they show Columbo, Murder She Wrote, and the like (but not during July, it’s gone Christmas). But maybe they do that to expose murder-show-rerun-loving people like myself to all the advertising, especially for their own streaming service…Pureflix. (It’s “clean!”)