Alex Cranz

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Alex Cranz

i work at the verge. laser bong lyricist
not a lot of things get me steaming mad but like when they cook a cowboy ribeye for social cred? and then don’t let it rest and then leave a bunch of meat in the bone when they cut it? what’s that about?
Reposted byAvatar Alex Cranz
Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Is America truly free if police routinely harass and murder people of color for simply existing in public spaces? Are we free to pursue happiness if millions of people are one missed paycheck or hospital visit away from homelessness? Liberty and Justice for who?
Is FYP bombing in TikTok a thing? Like sending your friend enough stuff with a clear theme that it starts popping up naturally on their FYP?
lol my bluesky account finally logged in after failing for a month. the app is junk but at least posts aren’t rate limited.
moving is cool because it means i found this sweatshirt
which is more nightmarish? editing a gdoc on an iPhone or trying to renew your license at the NJ DMV when their system is down.
the trials and tribulations of the universal remote enthusiast.
fresh direct bags have replaced the ikea bag for new yorkers
so and I are headed to the Computer History Museum this evening for a really cool event celebrating 50 years of ethernet. And the best part of being on the west coast is i get to cosplay as a morning person.
the best thing about being on Bluesky is the lack of fomo. the worst thing about being on Bluesky is the lack of gifs.
gifs don’t work so here’s a picture of a random structure in the woods i found one time
End of feed.