
Right, if you can't say with your whole chest "Biden is the Democratic Party's nominee for 2024 and until such a time that he steps aside I will support him whole-heartedly", you don't have the strength to actually fight fascism. If you are shitting bricks over 0.3% in the polls you're cooked.
For those who will accuse me of only saying this because I hate Kamala or something: if Biden should decide to step down Kamala Harris is his only replacement and I will champion her with my whole chest.
And yes, I see "not having the strength to fight fascism" as a moral failing if you're out here being a Wise Politics Knower. I will forgive my auntie who doesn't talk about politics more than one a year for not being tough enough to handle what's coming.
Whatever the actual outcome is, you people currently running around pissing your britches ought to feel ashamed of yourselves. And if you get your way and we then lose, you should feel a deep, burning shame until the last moment you draw breath, which I hope will be a long, long time from now.
They're so weak and mad that your average winemom is probably doing more to convince swing voting white women worried about abortion to save America than their Poasting that they are like "fine, I'll do this totally useless thing. SO THERE"
Dude I feel like I'm losing it trying to understand people's freak out and then looking at the actual facts
Brainrot. I've noticed most of them are white middle-class guys. Some of them are moots with me, or will be for the next 10 minutes until I make up my mind on blocking them.
I think anxiety and stress make people think irrationally. That’s my theory anyway
I know and honestly I don't care. I don't need to listen to garbage.
I have a lot of thoughts on this as someone who actually lives with a family member in their 80s but I'm not really in the mood to get into a fair bit of discussion and the like over it
because this is... annoyingly something I do very much see the arguments being made on it over all by most people since [gestures hands]
They're all hyping each other up in group chats about it. It's pretty typical internet radicalization it's just happening about something utterly mundane