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he/him "ideologically incoherent"
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
I know that a DSA endorsement means a lot for campaigns because they put their whole asses into doing field work for you, but at a certain point you have to wonder if the calculus for candidates changes given how big of a liability the DSA can be
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
People in the New York Times will really be like "you believe in voting? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, establishing a Christian monarchy" and then not establish a Christian monarchy
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
4th of July is a weird time to run a "why I don't vote" essay but if you're going to do it it can't be by some christian monarchist, it only makes sense if the author is like a walmart firebomber. It's what the founders would have wanted
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
it’s different groups of people whose political commitments are governed by memes all coalescing around a panicky meme plan where barely anyone has fleshed out anything past step one, and step one is “override the voters to force a democratic president out against his will”
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
I think basically what's going on here is every journalist is reporting in the Woodward and Bernstein tradition, where if your reporting results in a big change in policy or (!!!) a presidential resignation, you win all the Pulitzers.
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Watching the news, which violates the spirit of my break even more than this post, and I would like to flag up the "anonymous sources in Politico are bad, unless they confirm my priors" phenomenon that happens a lot
Feeling more justified in my decision to write off a publication I used to subscribe to
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Man if there was ever a better example of why you should be taking polling of a head to head matchup with Trump with a grain of salt...
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
The (over)use of background sources, allowing DC insiders to push their preferred storyline without the reader knowing who they are and what their particular interests in the matter at hand are is one of the most maddening things about DC political coverage. No one even questions it anymore.
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
A tragically common cause of death before pasteurization was food poisoning in children who were being weaned and starting to drink cow's milk. Pasteurization is one of the greatest public health successes in the history of the world, and now it's protecting us from H5N1 bird flu 🧪
Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk, New Studies Confirmwww.scientificamerican.com Flash pasteurization destroyed H5N1 viral particles that were highly concentrated in raw milk, confirming that standard techniques can keep dairy products safe from bird flu
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Everyone is talking about the new viral sensation, Bungus Flimp. Bungus Flimp is now opening for Olivia Rodrigo. If you haven't heard of Bungus Flimp, fuck you. We've just heard that Bungo Flimp is now canceled. Bungus Flimp has been killed in a standoff with SWAT officers in Des Moines.
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
He meant to misquote Clyburn, because again, the press wants Biden gone
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Carl Bernstein on CNN saying Biden has had "15-20" episodes in the last year like the one he had during the debate with a noted increase in the last six months
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
It's important to note that Trump tried to order this at least twice we know of during his regime.
right. the president could order troops to suppress protesters using live fire and the supreme court would extend that absolute immunity
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Two things: 1) If I were trying to sabotage any momentum coming out of this, I'd direct you away from the election and into, I cannot believe this, building a parallel government 2) An authoritarian regime will just dismantle this, and probably shoot you, if it comes near challenging them
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
This is the truly issue that sets Bluesky apart from other social media platforms. A bunch of people who were resentful about being losers their entire lives got their first crumb of clout on here at age 35 and lost their damn minds
also i love how we always get back to like “cut out the high school shit” like this place wouldn’t be a 1000x better if the most popular users had been popular in hs like at least some of y’all motherfuckers might act like you’ve been here before
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
George Washington was a slave owning English landlord son of a bitch and even he said “i aint no king don’t even try hanging that shit on me”
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
In a weird way, SCOTUS did the Biden campaign a big favor, because everyone knows the stakes now and no one should give a flying fuck about whether Biden spaces out every now and then. The alternative has become unimaginably bad.
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
You don't have sell me very hard on the idea that the roots of American fascism can be traced back through plutocrats getting radicalized by their horror at the New Deal
In Dark Money, by Jane Mayer, she says it started in the ‘30s.The rich began financing free, for credit law classes that equated money with rights. They financed free 2-week vacas that require justices to sit thru seminars that teach the same thing. RBG attended one. Generations of the rich did this
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
I'm going to atom bomb spring conlaw. seriously considering going full anticanon and having the syllabus start with johnson v. mcintosh, prigg, dred scott, plessy, the chinese exclusion case, lochner, and korematsu, and then jumping straight from there to the roberts court's last 3 terms
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
pride month will never be over according to 7/11
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
cutting the gordian knot of a constitutional crisis by simply making the president a king unless it's better that the supreme court be the king sometimes we'll let you know but will continue to hold the blade
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
John Adams: A government of laws, and not of men Theodore Roosevelt: No man is above the law John Roberts: Presidents don't have to follow laws in office, at least not all of them, and if a sitting president breaks the law, he's immune from any legal consequences for life and you just have to deal
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
Not worth fighting with the people still trying to re-litigate 2016. They're shadow-boxing at imagined demons. Persuade people who actually care about the future.
Reposted byAvatar 🤖FM Radio
The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance. www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s Criminalitywww.theatlantic.com And gives him permission for a despotic second term.