
Right gang, I've done my grief, I've done my sulking, we've all had a rough few years. What should I do to a) make life annoying and difficult for these cunts and b) do something positive for the community. Being a snark on a niche website isn't gonna help anyone
I'd say pick up on some key areas where we know Labour are going to be weak (I'd say immigration, disability, trans rights, probably climate and conservation), and have a think about best action.
From a policy perspective this lot are all about optics, so less likely to listen to "radical" orgs on policy campaigs and instead on established ones or those that have good press links. For direct action, though, that's another ball game so think about where most specific, tangible impact will be.
If you have an MP who is even mildly non-cunt, getting in touch with them to an annoying degree if you have time on top of other things. The survival instinct is strong and if enough people focus time into letters etc. they'll start shitting themselves, esp if they're a new face.
My MP is Rosie Duffield. She does not care to be accountable to her constituents, and so our best practice is probably to do what she wants done to trans people back to her (hound her out of public life). These people don’t believe in democracy. Making sure every appearance is harassed is vital.
Yeah, absolutely shit that her and Badenoch kept their seats tbh
Sadly but her TERF BFF MP Joanna Cherry got the boot, which is at least some good news
Cates too, and the Alba prick
mine is peter kyle also a prick also in the fucking cabinet
Can I recommend sending him photos of Jeremy Kyle and asking for an autograph, doing it so often that he spontaneously combusts through rage?
Mine was very keen on not voting for a ceasefire being the best thing to do.
Sorry to hear you fall into the full cunt category from the sound of it
He's a nobody. Was in shadow cabinet, kicked out last year. Still a party line guy though.
Lmfao no, it's Jo White, John Mann's wife
Ah shit I'm sorry! Just keep sending letters addressed to Jo Shite out of spite?