
I like to panic as much as any Democrat, but my general view still holds: SCOTUS gave Dems a tailwind with Dobbs. We haven't even started the wall-to-wall attack ads of Trump bragging about ending Roe v. Wade. When that happens in September and October, there will be a big movement away from Trump.
Do you think they will have ads bragging about it? I think many gop, presidential race too, will avoid that topic as much as possible
I think GOP will avoid it like the plague. The ads of Trump bragging about it will come from Dem PACs.
Yup, they are infighting now on avoiding calling (openly) for a total ban in their platform.
I’m hoping the ads say sure joes old but he’s got the wisdom to not take away your freedoms.
Just ignore the age and talk about the difference between the Democrats and Republican platforms and how it will harm Americans if the GOP wins.
This is the least sexy presidential campaign in my life
"The GOP will avoid that topic like the plague" is not a metaphor either.
The ads will be clips of them bragging about it before they realized what an albatross the issue would become.
Framing this as a horse race between Trump and Biden as people was always going to result in a crap shoot. If it becomes about policies, Biden wins in a landslide. Trump’s main organizing principal is schadenfreude. Dobbs led to attacks on IVF and Griswold. Eventually you get friendly fire.
The GOP in my state are putting out ads about how they *didn't* ban abortion and how it's still legal in our state (not that they didn't try). They're getting a lot of flack from pro-forced-birthers about it