Gavin Werbeloff

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Gavin Werbeloff

Travel expert, photographer, real estate fund principal, reformed lawyer and repository of useless information.
This place is like a high school cafeteria during a food fight right now.
"Zika, who is not affiliated with Emory, was carrying knives and pepper spray when EPD arrested him. Additionally, police obtained a warrant to search Zika’s vehicle and found a hatchet, an axe and two knives inside a bag that also contained survival gear."
Emory Police Department arrests convicted felon during campus protest | The Emory The Emory Police Department (EPD) arrested Derek Zika on the Emory University Quadrangle at 2:55 p.m. on April 28 during a pro-Palestine protest. Zika, who is not affiliated with Emory, was carrying k...
“They were out of Imodium”
I am once again asking about the use case of “not for Passover use” Matza
Me two days ago: “Oh, this petitioner is a Sov Cit.” Law clerk: “How do you know?” Me: “You learn how to identify them from how they write their pleading.” *Today in Court* Petitioner: “I have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO TRAVEL WHICH AS A FLESH AND BLOOD MAN…” Me, to law clerk: “See?”
Sadly unsurprised that "Don't worry about ***-wing Antisemitism, ```-wing Antisemitism is worse" is where we've gotten to.
You might want to sit down for this one. It turns out that right-wing college kids are much, much more antisemitic than the lefties. Shocker, I know.
Relatedly, a lot of the conspiracy theorizing over the predication of Crossfire Hurricane fixates on the Steele Dossier, but completely ignores that fact that Downer's report from May '16 only got to the FBI in July, days after this platform change had occurred at the RNC. Alarm bells were ringing.
Anyway literally a couple of weeks later the R party platform was released where we know that the *only* change Trump asked for (and got) was removing references to supporting Ukraine; which famously nobody understood at the time and was against literally everyone else in the party at the time.
To be clear, I don’t think either of the two scenarios below are optimal, but I’d much prefer to pass data privacy laws that would solve both problems then engage in some jingoistic handwringing and make believe that latter is a NatSec threat but the former is innocuous.
The short version is that we’re *totally fine* with data brokers gobbling up user data on Americans, selling it and using it for whatever sometimes-nefarious purposes they choose. We are not OK with a CCP-linked company doing it. I’m not sure why the latter is a problem but the former isn’t.
This is a great article. After reading it I had a few thoughts: 1. Polling response is a real issue. 2. The 2008-2022 low interest rate era was a historical outlier that skewed the perception of ‘normal’ 3. Some people want to kill inflation just to get back to low rates, consequences be damned.
Good morning! I wrote about why falling response rates and a conspiracy of bosses left everyone with the wrong impression about the post-COVID economy.
What the polls get very, very wrong about the The way we measure and survey Americans has allowed the louder, angrier, wealthier voices to distort our view of the economy.
To be clear, I don’t think either of the two scenarios below are optimal, but I’d much prefer to pass data privacy laws that would solve both problems then engage in some jingoistic handwringing and make believe that latter is a NatSec threat but the former is innocuous.
The short version is that we’re *totally fine* with data brokers gobbling up user data on Americans, selling it and using it for whatever sometimes-nefarious purposes they choose. We are not OK with a CCP-linked company doing it. I’m not sure why the latter is a problem but the former isn’t.
The short version is that we’re *totally fine* with data brokers gobbling up user data on Americans, selling it and using it for whatever sometimes-nefarious purposes they choose. We are not OK with a CCP-linked company doing it. I’m not sure why the latter is a problem but the former isn’t.
I am completely unconvinced TikTok is somehow more harmful to anyone than Instagram Reels.
I hereby renounce the title of “Travel Buddha” after being an absolute £ü¢&ing moron at Orlando airport. I went through security on the right side of the airport, then went to the other side thinking I’d made a mistake, only to find I’d been right the first time. I am a disgrace. #travel
After the bald eagles and red tailed hawks, the peregrine falcons made an appearance too! #birds
One of the more astounding things about is how well they’ve been able to insulate the newsroom from the opinion section. NYT could learn a thing or two.
Nationalize the NYT op-ed page.
After the bald eagle showed up, the red tailed hawks didn’t want to be left out #birds
There isn’t much that can get me to run outside in shorts and a t-shirt in 30F weather. #birds
Side note, check the last name of the plaintiffs. (CC:
This isn't completely absurd. This is several layers beyond that - the panel concluded that the officer didn't have "fair notice" because Plaintiffs *only* relied on an unpublished in-circuit case and a published out-of-circuit case. Just nonsense.
The Cardinals hiring Kliff Kingsbury was mentioned today on The sequence of events that led to it says so much about the Cardinals. USC hired him as OC in Dec '18. Barely a month layer, the Cardinals hire him as HC. How does that work?
7yo: Scientists say there might be a 9th planet in our solar system. Me, from other room: Yeah! It’s called Pluto! In that moment, I became a grumpy elder millennial.
Name a fictional character who you believe would appear on the Epstein list.
Name a fictional character who you believe would appear on the Epstein list.
Christmas message for Merrick Garland: Smart Carte Inc (airport luggage carts) is a great candidate for an antitrust investigation. Highway robbery.
Avatar do you run the PaxEx and Avgeek list? Do you mind adding me?
In signs that travel demand has weakened, I’ve cancelled and rebooked my tickets for Xmas break travel at a 45% discount. Maybe airlines and hotels overestimated pricing power?