Dana Drugmand

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Dana Drugmand


Climate/enviro journalist covering climate accountability & litigation. New England native & citizen of 🌎
Last summer, following a historic trial, a MT judge issued a landmark ruling in favor of youth in their constitutional climate lawsuit v. their state government. The MT Supreme Court is set to hear the case on appeal. More in my preview piece here www.climateinthecourts.com/news/montana...
Montana Kids' Climate Case Goes Back to Court on Appealwww.climateinthecourts.com The Montana Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments on Wednesday in a landmark youth constitutional climate case . The hearing comes as the state seeks to overturn the trial court’s...
Reposted byAvatar Dana Drugmand
The discussion around climate disinformation is often limited to climate science denial, or arguments about the relative urgency of the climate crisis, but the fossil fuel industry is busily pushing a whole raft of new climate problems disguised as "solutions." drilled.media/investigatio...
False Solutionsdrilled.media Climate disinformation doesn’t begin and end with science denial. As the world moves towards climate action, the fossil fuel industry has begun using familiar tactics to advocate for solutions it know...
Reposted byAvatar Dana Drugmand
Biofuels facilities, new research suggests, have a poor track record of environmental compliance and are considerable contributors to climate & hazardous air pollution that risks endangering the health of largely rural residents My latest for The New Lede www.thenewlede.org/2024/06/biof...
Biofuels manufacturing found to be a significant source of hazardous air pollutionwww.thenewlede.org By Dana Drugmand Hazardous air pollutants emitted in the manufacturing of biofuels is nearly as bad as air pollution stemming from oil refineries, and for several types of dangerous pollutants such a...
Reposted byAvatar Dana Drugmand
HUGE BREAKING news from Dana Drugmand @danad1012.bsky.social Vermont's Climate Superfund Law enacted!🎉 Vermont becomes 1st state to hold Big Oil financially responsible for a fair share of climate damages!
Should Trump retake the White House, his political allies are prepared to take a sledgehammer to US climate & environmental policies. In this piece for Sierra, I take a look at Project 2025 & what a Trump 2.0 scenario might entail for climate (& democracy) www.sierraclub.org/sierra/insid...
“What will [it take to] break through to people?” - Kat Maier, national coordinator with @fffunitedstates.bsky.social “[Biden] needs to do something radically different if he wants to win the youth vote” - Ada Crandall, organizer w/ Sunrise Movement oneearthnow.substack.com/p/were-wide-...
“We’re Wide Awake”: Young Climate Organizers Reflect on Global Justice Crisesoneearthnow.substack.com Climate scientists are terrified. And today’s kids are not okay.
Efforts are underway nationwide to amend state constitutions to recognize the right to clean air & water and a healthful environment as fundamental rights of all people As seen recently in NY & MT, such big reforms are doable & can have real teeth #greenamendments www.sierraclub.org/sierra/advoc...
Advocates Nationwide Push for State-Level Green Constitutional Amendmentswww.sierraclub.org Efforts seek to enshrine the rights to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment
Shell continues investing in new oil & gas extraction in this critical decade when the world must rapidly reduce CO2 emissions & curtail new extraction that leads to more emissions. New report suggests Shell is defying the landmark 2021 court verdict www.climateinthecourts.com/news/defying...
Defying Dutch Court Order, Shell Doubles Down on Oil and Gas - Reportwww.climateinthecourts.com Shell continues to expand its oil and gas operations and approve development of new extraction projects in an apparent violation of a 2021 Dutch court ruling requiring the oil major to reduce CO2...
Since the Juliana v. US climate lawsuit was first filed in 2015, the US government has seemed hell bent on stopping it in its tracks. Now Biden’s DOJ is following the Trump DOJ playbook to try to quash the case. My latest reporting on this landmark youth climate suit 👇🏻 drilled.media/news/juliana
Why Is the Biden DOJ Blocking a Landmark Youth Climate Suit?drilled.media The Biden Administration is resuming Trump legal tactics to in an attempt to permanently block a youth-led climate civil rights suit.
Chicago has filed a climate lawsuit against Big Oil, joining more than three dozen jurisdictions in the US that have turned to the courts seeking to hold the oil & gas industry liable for climate harms More in my news piece here www.climateinthecourts.com/news/chicago...
Chicago Sues Big Oil Over Climate Deceptionwww.climateinthecourts.com The city of Chicago filed a climate accountability lawsuit against half a dozen major oil and gas companies and their chief lobbyist group the American Petroleum Institute , charging them with...
“Big Oil knew decades ago that their products would cause this damage. It’s only right that they pay a share of the costs to clean up this mess” - VT state senator Anne Watson, lead sponsor of VT’s climate superfund bill My latest for Sierra here www.sierraclub.org/sierra/vermo...
Vermont, Other States Push for “Climate Superfund” Bill to Hold Polluting Companies Accountablewww.sierraclub.org Climate-driven extreme weather is wreaking havoc across the country. Lawmakers want fossil fuel companies to pay.
Classic greenwashing. There’s no such thing as clean gasoline.
The Dutch NGO that successfully sued Shell over its climate plans is starting a new case that could help reverse the global banking sector’s support of fossil fuel firms and their activities 🏦 www.desmog.com/2024/01/26/m...
This NGO Won a Climate Case Against Shell. Its Next Target? Dutch Bank INGwww.desmog.com Here’s what Friends of the Earth Netherlands’ latest legal action could mean for global banks financing major polluters.
Courts have become a critical venue for seeking climate justice and accountability Catch up on some of the highlights in climate litigation in 2023 plus a sneak peek of what’s on the docket for 2024 in my year-end piece 🧑‍⚖️ 🌎 www.desmog.com/2023/12/26/2...
2023 Has Been A Big Year for Climate Accountability in the Courtswww.desmog.com From a groundbreaking trial in Montana to a “truly historic” human rights hearing in Europe, climate change litigation took big steps forward this year.
End of feed.