Amy Westervelt

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Amy Westervelt

Award-winning investigative climate reporter, audio & print. Run Drilled, Critical Frequency, former co-host of Hot Take (RIP), contribute to The Intercept, The Guardian, The Nation & more. she/her/ella
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
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Noticing bad things years ago is left-wing. Noticing them when it's too late to do anything about is centrist. Ignoring them is right-wing.
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The easiest way to make very low-emission steel is to use electric arc furnaces to remelt scrap using clean electricity. Steel is infinitely recyclable. China is moving in this direction. The US steel industry is doing pretty much nothing.
‘Turning point’ in China's pivot to clean steel China is the world's largest manufacturer of steel, and the sector is its second biggest source of carbon emissions.
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Thanks to campaigning Sarah Finch, who secured a UK Supreme Court ruling that fossil fuel projects have a duty to factor in emissions from the use of their products, the Labour government acknowledges that the Tories unlawfully permitted the Cumbrian coal mine.
Government pulls defence of Cumbria mine legal The mine was originally given the go ahead by then Levelling Up Secretary, Michael Gove, in December 2022
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If the CO2 concentrations trend continues on this trajectory, nothing else will matter really. As put it a little earlier today: “Molecules in the atmosphere is the only thing that actually matters.” Indeed. Everything else is quite literally just blah blah blah.
Not for the first time, I have the sinking feeling that a lot of people working on climate are focused on what the policies and the politicians say and what things look like on paper, or in a spreadsheet, and not on molecules in the atmosphere which is the only thing that actually matters.
Zomg yes folks I know about Joe Manchin, jfc
I have been working on a story about carbon capture for like three months because I keep thinking "it cannot possibly be THIS much of an absolute shit show" and figuring I must be missing something or misunderstanding something and then every new expert I talk to tells me it's even worse
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This survey illustrates kind of perfectly why the fossil fuel industry spends so much marketing spend talking about jobs, economics and how dependent government revenue is on fossil fuels.
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This figure illustrates how record warm ocean temperatures fueled Hurricane Beryl, causing it to intensify faster, reach greater strength, maintain that strength for longer, and likely dump more rain than it would have otherwise. Source:
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I think billboards highlighting each chapter of Project 2025 placed in specific locations. For example the chapter on gutting military benefits should have billboards on highways near big military bases. Plans for destroying Social Security have billboards all over in Arizona and Florida.
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The fossil-fuel industry will build massive seawalls to protect their investments from the climate changes and sea level rise they're causing. The rest of us are on our own. climatechange
A rising fortress in sinking Rising seas and steel walls test the strength of a Louisiana coastal gas development, raising questions about flooding, climate change and community impacts.
Spending 4th of July feeling jealous of the Brits. COOL
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How every new federal rule making will go from now on. *FTC BAN ON WORKER NONCOMPETE AGREEMENTS DELAYED BY JUDGE
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"The question is, will we care and mourn haplessly, in isolation, as people’s lives, lands, and freedoms are lost, or will we build strong networks of community members who can take bold actions in defense of one another when people are under threat?"
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first cohort of the American Climate Corps has been sworn in. 9,000 people will be deployed in the coming weeks to restore landscapes, erect solar panels, and work on environmental projects across America. #ShareGoodNewsToo
The American Climate Corps officially kicks This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
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"Lawsuits are slow, they are complicated, they are often decided on arbitrary technicalities or total nonsense, and being so costly they are hideously biased toward the rich and well-connected."
American Government-by-Lawsuit Is a Judicial review is not just anti-democratic, it strangles ordinary governance.
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The Heritage Foundation is absolutely making overt terrorist threats and everyone you know needs to be aware of this.
Somebody else pointed earlier that the "bloodless if the leftists allow" (paraphrasing) bullshit sentence, is a clear terrorist threat and should probably be called like this.
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Whoever is the Democratic nominee, I hope that people are aware that there are going to be MAJOR protests at the Dem Convention in Chicago. People are going to be protesting US ongoing support of genocide and much more. I hope this doesn't lead to more social media freaking out.
Woah this presidential immunity ruling is game over for U.S. democracy.
I know I'm being a crotchety old, but jfc I am sick of people on social media telling me shit I already know. Like... I don't post about shit unless I already know a fuckton about it. I guess we're all just used to people spouting off about things they don't know now, but it would never be me, folks
The discussion around climate disinformation is often limited to climate science denial, or arguments about the relative urgency of the climate crisis, but the fossil fuel industry is busily pushing a whole raft of new climate problems disguised as "solutions."
False Climate disinformation doesn’t begin and end with science denial. As the world moves towards climate action, the fossil fuel industry has begun using familiar tactics to advocate for solutions it know...
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if they don’t release something Chutkan and Smith should restart the trial
It remains astonishing that SCOTUS waited weeks to even announce they were taking on the presidential immunity case and now we stand on the eve of the last scheduled day of decisions and they still haven't released it -- all but guaranteeing Trump will not face a federal jury before the election.
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I can't express strongly enough what a CRISIS NYPL is in right now and that means that vulnerable people are also in even more crisis. PLEASE find a way to voice your support of our public libraries in concrete ways. Please.
After budget cuts, NYC's libraries can't fix broken air conditioners amid heat The air conditioning was out in at least four New York Public Library branches on Tuesday, forcing two Staten Island sites to close.