
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
Here's a lesson for all of these "why should I have to choose the lesser of two evils" Democrats out there.
Yes, but it requires solidarity among otherwise disparate groups. Fucking get it together, USA.
There’s a phrase I heard somewhere in 2016 that I just keep repeating everywhere: don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Nobody who dislikes Trump is going to get their ideal candidate.
As I've said since 2016 - we have two realistic options ahead of us; a bad choice and the wrong choice. I genuinely hate the idea that I once again have to make a defensive vote in favor of Trump's opponent, but the prospect of his return to office is unacceptable under any condition.
And then the old "once you have voted, you have nothing more to say"!😇
it’s a Tacky V (tactical vote). Happens a lot, unfortch
Elections aren't like taxi cabs, where you get to go *exactly* where you want to go. They're like busses; grab the one that's headed nearest to your direction, cos you sure as hell don't want to be stuck on one going the wrong way.
dems are still blaming Bernie supporters for Trump lmao
Voting for Biden now means being able to elect a progressive in 28. It's that simple.
100% We can sort out our differences later. Right now we face an existential threat. Let's defeat that first. Only then will we even be able to debate the direction for our future. Because if we don't defeat it now, nothing is going to matter.
If they can, we can, if we all come out in november and vote BLUE!
shut the fuck up. i'm not voting for a genocidal vegetable
if you have 6 followers, please let me know so i can block you right away
That's your choice. You will not have that choice if the other guy comes in😜bye bye to your freedom: read project 25. And, btw, i will never shut up and I will not ever tell you to shut up!
It's called project 2025, and they have far worse plans for everything, including Palestine
you can't scare me i survived the reagan administration, two bushes and clinton
Hahaha! So Trump it is? Wonder how you're going to like that. Again.
not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden 😇
You are aware that that's not how it works?
really? you could have fooled me! i thought not voting for Biden was a vote for Trump.
Okay. You’re an idiot and are actively help make the world worse for everybody, including yourself. Go back to X you useless loser.
aren't there some trans folks you should be telling to enjoy the concentration camps?
Feel free to build all of the strawmen you want 🤷🏻‍♂️
Rather a Palestinian hating felon? Trump used Palestinian as a slur!!
Hey how did Biden react? Did he say “how dare you imply Palestinian is a slur?”
Biden didn't know where the fuck he was. his big mic drop moment was saying "we beat medicare" and drooling on his velcro shoes.
oh no, Trump is more mean about the genocide that they both like
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Biden was president for the entire time that graph covers 😬
You are part of the reason we will have a genocidal cheeto who's been given permission to hand down the throne to whoever he likes when his term is up
get a load of the badass billionaire-murdering communist who spends her time begging people to vote
I’m sure sitting back and letting the Presidency go to someone how moved to US Embassy to Jerusalem will turn out well for the Palestinians. 🙄
trump is by a long shot worse on any issue you probably claim to care about. a third-party protest vote is tacit endorsement of fascism
all you care about is decorum. blow your crocodile tears out of your ass
No I care about NOT living under a fascist regime that represents a global existential threat
You can be anti-electoralist all you want and still vote. Vote AND work to dismantle the system, live to fight another day. Or throw your vote away and let the bastard win. I’m sure it will end well not just for you, but for the rest of the world who have no say in who you guys put in charge.
Yeah? You have a voice in the U.S., I don’t. But what happens there will have an impact here. Do what you can and prepare for the worst, like the rest of us do. But also, do that one little thing that the rest of us can’t.
no thanks. i voted for Hillary in 2016 and it didn't keep me from getting yelled at by angry brunch libs. i'm not throwing away my vote to appease you guys again.
So you're supporting trump?
i'm not voting, so i guess i'm supporting whoever you like
There are literally only two outcomes. Voting for Biden stops trump from winning. This should be simple enough for even you to comprehend.
Biden should be in a nursing home. it's not my fault that the ruling class has made him my only option.
We don't have a choice unless a miracle happens and he steps down. Please don't be a loser and go vote.