
I’m glad Biden addressed the nation last night (proof of life and all) but his message amounted to: I will not use the vast power the court just gave me, but Trump will. Good for contrast, horrible in conceding the premise that there are two sets of rules.
A Better Way To Respond To The Supreme Court's Intolerable Immunity Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
The court is lawless and in league with Trump. They will view Biden’s unilateral disarmament as an invitation to further help Trump in the election. A better model for Biden is the one Dems (mostly) embraced vis a vis gerrymandering.
Every possible move is a bizarro, Sorkin fantasy. So, ask Congress to restore presidential guardrails. But until then: sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Biden has wide berth to govern now. He should use it for good and make Republicans stop him.
A Better Way To Respond To The Supreme Court's Intolerable Immunity Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
I, for one, would declassify and hold press conferences showing all the corrupt shit Trump was doing with autocrats across the globe. Of course, if I were in charge, I’d be very tempted to claim that Trunp declared war on the U.S. in January 2021 and arrest and hold him as an enemy combatant.
Talk about a fantasy, Biden is an institutionalist who would rather throttle himself with the ropes of comity. He would never challenge the republicans in this manner. He would consider it too uncouth.
This was the only thing about Biden’s speech that made me scream
"When they go low, we go high" has been working so well the past decade, hasn't it.
When they go low, step on their necks.
Democrats find this uncouth and unseemly. remember, the GOP are Biden's friends and colleagues as he's told us many times
The best thing about Biden is his willingness to change his mind. I think in the coming weeks and months, his advisors will start to realize that the current situation requires a lot more gloves off. That will require a lot of pressure. That should be a goal.
"in the weeks and months"? "Doc, you're gonna get shot on Monday!"
I understood that reference.
Not sure what you're saying. I've stayed away from electoral politics my whole life. I'm allergic to the people who pursue it. That said, sometimes they're persuadable and can move important things. I'm a pipsqueak. Prez has enormous power, I'd like him to do stuff. I think it's worth trying. 🤷🏼
Ahh just me doing a weird back to the future iii reference because if it takes them months to respond to this the election is going to be upon us and they'll probably have done even more horrible things in the meantime. Drastic action is needed fast.
I totally agree with you! It doesn't seem like he/his staff will come around tomorrow. It's a bad and unnecessary state of events. He could turn this around if he uses his power appropriately. I don't think there is a worse thing they could do than what just happened. Not in Congress.
Release anything and everything about Trump that he can release within his executive power remit, starting with releasing Trump’s tax returns and forcing the IRS to complete an audit of his tax returns in the next 60 days.
We needed him to announce he will take drastic action unless this horrible decision is reversed. Instead, he wagged his finger.
"I was just handed unlimited power, but I won't even use it to stop us from becoming a fascist dictatorship. Don't forget to vote everyone!"
It took him ages to riff on Dark Brandon. Even when they are handed to him with a bow, he's not flexible enough to pivot and use the tools he now has. It requires too great a change in approach.
One of the worst parts about this is that this *still* won't convince the bothsiderists that their premises are flawed at their roots.
Yeah Joe maybe, you know Do something about all that
"The court has decided that presidents cannot be prosecuted for committing crimes and coups. I was not refraining from doing either of those out of fear of prosecution. I cannot say the same for the other guy." What exactly are you asking for? An assassination campaign?
Yeah you gotta wonder if the Republicans don't realize this could be flipped against them at some point with a democrat in office, do they?
It can't, with this court majority.