
Jack Posobiec is a very influential MAGA media figure. He posted this today. In the 1930s Fr. Denis Fahey was probably most well know for being one of the most outspoken anti-semites in the world...quite an accomplishment for that era.
What the hell does that even mean
It means that the "real danger" to liberty is "one world communism promoted by the (((globalists)))" while theocracy is actually its friend.
Communism with many religions tho?
It's a dig on religious pluralism, which they saw as a liberal trojan horse for communism.
Was just going thru some of my family’s religious media this past weekend, and the bogeyman remains the same. (2nd pic is the cover)
Yeah, the White Horse Inn is a pan-conservative Reformed group (conservative Presbyterians and Lutherans), but my folks are in the real deep end of Calvinism
Lest folks think this stuff is new, my parents’ denomination spent over a century refusing to vote, serve in office, or take an oath because the US Constitution doesn’t say that Christ is King.
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America -
My family was Orthodox. They viewed protestants like jazz musicians.
I tell people that the ultra-Calvinists are like the Star Trek fans who speak fluent Klingon and also admire Klingon cultural values like ruthlessness
It's there a geographic locus to it?
Good question, kinda made me ponder for a sec. My shorthand has been “theocratic Geneva, by way of the rebellious Scots, and then transmitted to the US in the early days”, but within the US I think Pennsylvania is a historical center for it (after splitting from Princeton Seminary in the 20th cy)
In the modern moment, however, the Calvinist theocratic element spreads between CA, TX, parts of western MI, and western PA.
Lived in MI, summered in Western PA as a kid, but mostly insulated from other religions. Orthodoxers aren't looking for any new ideas.
I'm from western PA and am the descendant of early 20th-century Catholic immigrants to the area and holy balls I think you just explained a large part of the social friction I experienced with my peers growing up but had trouble putting my finger on.
There’s a big Dutch Reform population in like Grand Rapids MI, IIRC.
In my mind I associate Calvin with Holland. No idea why. Google says he was from Switzerland. Honestly have never bothered to keep up with the many protestant factions and their differences.