sailor sodium snail 🌟✨🐌

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sailor sodium snail 🌟✨🐌

Faerie god-nonna in training. Mutant swamp witch. Amateur geneticist. Director of POSIX-Compliant Karaoke Initiatives. Chief Data Thymus.
3 NeXTcubes in a trenchcoat?
It's interesting that there are so many places called University Heights. Why are all these universities so high
University Heights -
congratulations to CrowdStrike for aries.sys'ing like half the world's economy today ho la vista tipo falco (derogatory)
Apple should just embrace it and open up a cuck section of the app store
Project 2025 will force everyone to wear a FitBit so they will know if your heart gets a lil flustered when you see ripped muscular Jesus in your state assigned church
Remember the J.D. stands for β€œJuicy Deucey”
Think for 20 seconds about the National Minimum Drinking Age Act and what kind of things the federal government is able to incentivize states to do even *if* the states technically can do what they want.
Due to a transcription error, the movie is about the struggle of good versus beagles.
His full name is JD Power and Associates Vance
2005 tarren mill ass website
You libs saying JD Vance stands for β€œJautomatic Difle” are exposing yurselfs as a bunch of 🀑s β€”β€”it stands for β€œJarmalite” which is the company that manufacturers JD Vance.
we learned via the Mew Truck Method: "if I believe everything I read on the internet I'll be bad at video games, so I better be careful what I listen to"
When the boomers told me not to believe everything I read on the internet they were projecting like fucking crazy, and that contemptuous attitude kept them ignorant of the skills they’d need to even begin sorting it all out I think the most important untaught class in school is media literacy
I can’t tell what specific odor JD Vance is sexually obsessed with but I can tell that it’s weird
I am thrilled that I can now expand my hobby of "making jokes about the surnames of political figures I don't like" outside my usual repertoire of Italian!
Yes, the Yiddish word for bedbug is וואַנΧ₯ / Vance Poor Bret Stephens has been replaced.
"For the kids!" "Protect our children!" You can make a drinking game out of every time a Conservative uses children as a meatshield weaponizes kids as a way to justify trampling over anybody that isn't a cishet, white Christian man.
idk how to explain this but i strongly feel that JD Vance is related to the Hamburglar
ok everyone buckle up we just found a way to make CGRP inhibitors Goodℒ️
the new calcium channel blocker class with the hilarious names (the "gepants" class of drugs, such as Ubrogepant) that were just approved for migraines are general purpose pain medication and they work extremely well. try them if you have migraines
They should reissue a New D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths that’s exactly the same but there’s a guide in the back on how to explain different degrees of sexual assault to a five year old
ok now I'm kinda regretting that I stopped reading the book before the part where he got got by carbonic anhydrase
me: there's a bit in hillbilly elegy where he spits out sparkling water because he doesn't know it will be carbonated my husband, sympathetically: i've known some dogs that do that
or a song Link learns to play on his ocarina in an N64-era Zelda game
Hillbilly Elegy sounds like a lost episode of Cowboy Bebop
it never ceases to amaze me how companies struggle to make fetch happen and elon bought a company that did and said "but i don't like fetch"
I know this is the biggest question on people’s minds, so I want to get out ahead of it: Butler, PA, was *NOT* named for PA native Gen. Smedley Darlington Butler. It was named for a different Butler, who fought in the American Revolution and died in the Northwest Indian War. I hope this helps.
I withstood the era of people telling me I should read Hillbilly Elegy because of where I'm from. Now I'm living free and easy in the era of people hating J.D. Vance, and I never lifted a finger.
Digimon Adventure Tri. (2017)
Just imagine this being the last thing you see in life and you’ll know how the random moths and flies around our house feel (well, when she doesn’t miss, which is actually kinda rare bless her heart)
I desperately want to know what happened that necessitated this sign?
Project 2025 is the kind of mary sue fanfic we would have got from Stephanie Meyers if she’d been more into the 14 words than getting fucked by vampires
Sharks should have a Human Week culminating with them watching Jaws and crying at the end.
we live in an era where 2 generations grew up with equal rights & the ability to communicate instantly with each other in a medium that primarily consists of only them but we are ruled by older people outside that shared medium who fondly remember when women weren’t allowed to open bank accounts
spelling bees are beauty pageants for autism