Athena Kugblenu

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Athena Kugblenu

Comedian'n'writer. I take my coffee like I take my power. Pan-Africanist. Bun da

Mgmt: / Vicky Hopewell:
Come on, people, don't make me beg. It's got,,, Paul from Larry and Paul and Eshaan Akbar in it, and if you've not heard Athena's impression of Suella Braverman, you really ought to.
We finished recording this week's NonCensored less than two hours ago. I've not had time to make clips, but if literally everyone on Bluesky could just download it on trust, that would be smashing, thanks. You can’t say anything any more - and here to prove it is Harriet Langley-Swindon, with a round of all the best bits of her weekly radio show on a national network that can’t be named for legal re...
my favourite bits of tennis commentary are the very specific details of life story that commentators know about the friends, family and staff in the players' boxes
oh dear. I think Alcaraz v Chardy is going to be quick match
lemme get this straight. I want people to follow me on Blue Sky but they can only follow me if I send them an invite link that I don't currently have?
when i post the same content on bluesky that i post on twitter
All Protocol Observed Welcome to Issue 131 of The Continent. Forgive our ignorance, but we always thought surfing was an American thing. We were wrong.
Surfing culture is not new to West Africa’s coastlines. But with its perfect location – on the westernmost point of the continent, in reach of both northern and southern hemisphere swells – Senegal is riding a wave of renewed enthusiasm for the sport.
Senegal rides the Surfing culture is not new to West Africa’s coastlines. But with its perfect location, Senegal is riding a wave of renewed enthusiasm for the sport.
wow. i already feel calmer on here. have a great day
End of feed.