Nato Green

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Nato Green

Comedian union organizer writer dad Frisco.
“It’s not technically a genocide because we haven’t finished yet” is not the winning argument Israel apologists think it is.
RIP Neel Nanda. We keep losing the best of us. It’s so sad. I didn’t know him well but whenever we interacted he was funny and kind and loved standup. I wish him peace.
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this is more comically unrealistic by an order of magnitude than if I asked for a moratorium on market-rate housing until we have 100% public housing
I've been a union organizer for 25+ years. I've lost & had campaigns not go as well as they could have. Theoretically the workers *should* want a union & *should* want to fight to improve their jobs, but they don't spontaneously. Every organizer knows this.
My job means that I restrain my impulse to talk shit about politicians because I need to work with them, but I’ve been having to restrain a LOT lately. Whoever you think I’m referring to, I am. Also whoever you think I’m not referring to.
The life and legacy of Dianne Feinstein just goes to show that if you are a white lady multimillionaire and everyone between you and your rise to power is murdered by a deranged homophobe, there’s nothing you can’t do.
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Unions work. There is nothing else that can do what they do.
SACRAMENTO! I’m coming to you to headline @punchlinesac on Wednesday 10/18 at 7pm. It’ll be your typical evening of “Nato’s jokes about the pitiful state of American democracy.” Tickets at the link in bio. Special guests! This pic seems fun, right?
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“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.” - Ursula K. Le Guin
Housed dog owners are a bigger public annoyance than homeless encampments don’t @ me.
End of feed.