Jennifer A Sutherland

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Jennifer A Sutherland

Bullet Points: A Lyric, River River Books. Poems and essays in or coming to Birmingham Poetry Review, Hopkins Review, $ (Poetry is Currency), Best New Poets, Denver Quarterly, Parhelion, Cagibi. She/her/fluxus.
I felt like I handled the Alice Munro news yesterday reasonably well but instead I just literally shrieked and sobbed at my therapist this morning. Love to all daughters today.
Editor Han unboxes the new printing of Jennifer A Sutherland’s Bullet Points! 📚🌊🌊
TikTok - Make Your
my prediction for the next Supreme Court term is they reverse Marbury v Madison, bam, we are a parliamentary government baby all of it is on the table at this point i’m also taking odds on Scalia coming back from the grave to write an opinion that just literally sets fire to all national parks
Someone please explain to LitHub that there is truly no poem I wish to read less than a poem by Frederick Seidel called 1937.
He looks just like my racist uncle Anthony right after 15 or so Yuenglings and a plate of my aunt’s kielbasa and kraut, which is to say every day
Pride Flag Not Exactly Thrilled To Have To Look At Martha-Ann Alito Either
At least once a week I wish Barbara Loden had lived to direct her adaptation of The Awakening.
I not only conquered my fear of my 17th floor balcony, I planted things
I’m really, really proud of Of Poetry, and the conversation happening here among poets, parents, teachers, and art organizers 💙🎙️
Of haiku prompts, of parent poetics and caregiving, of creating the community spaces that meet the community’s needs, of environment & microplastics & birdless skies & writing into your life—!
Do wealthy people think they own our eyes too?
An independent judiciary does not seek to undermine democratic elections and yet here we are
I keep trying to write a poem called Taking Off Billy Collins' Clothes but it turns out it's Billy Collins all the way down.
Amanda Conover, with “Clementine Heart” today, and a dreamy, place-based prompt 🍊 Read both here:
Jennifer A Sutherland brings us spring and several layers of art in “Postmodern Breugel’s Icarus Poem,” and an ekphrastic prompt! 🌊 Read both here:
If you have seen the Tik Tok in which a woman mixes up a large bowl of ice and 15 different kinds of laundry detergent that she then spoons a tiny amount of into the laundry could you please explain to me what has happened to us
Need to invite in some joy today? Want a prompt? It's a two-fer over at! Editor is curating poems and prompts all month... Be sure to check them out!
Donna Vorreyer, with the poem “When Joy Comes to Call, I Invite It In,” and prompt today:
A Texas judge blocking fair lending rules tells you everything you need to know about Texas judges. This is the same judge who blocked FDA regs concerning mifepristone. The agenda is not “conservative interpretation.”
2/10 Since SPD bombed, how about a list of presses that would love it if you bought books from them rn? I haven’t read any from (yet), but & care about the right things
Since SPD bombed, how about a list of presses that would love it if you bought books from them rn? These are just presses I have liked before. Let’s start with , who is publishing my beloved ‘s book next year:
Game Over Poetry. Fiction. Nonfiction. Your new favorite publisher: Game Over Books.
Welcome to River River
Spaghetti on Cowboy Carter opens with a sample of someone talking about how slippery genre is. Anyone know who is speaking/where the recording comes from?
Some Gogol-esque part of my writer soul is wryly amused that my anti-capitalist little book is now in limbo because Small Press Distribution has been forced out of business
From where I’ve sat for the past 20 years, distribution has always been the hardest part of publishing; it’s only gotten harder in the wake of mass consolidation. SPD was clearly in trouble, but to throw in with Ingram and then close up shop is a nightmare scenario for small indie publishers.
Small Press Distribution just announced its immediate closure and y’all the way this has been handled is SO BAD.
The closure of Small Press Distribution (announced today) is a man-made catastrophe for the arts.
Small Press Distribution just announced its immediate closure and y’all the way this has been handled is SO BAD.
poets keep passing! if anyone might be open to writing on Lyn Hejinian, W Mark Sutherland, Michael Coady, Tyrone Williams or anyone else, i would welcome such for periodicities : a journal of poetry and poetics,
like, we don’t need to know what fortunato did, BECAUSE FORTUNATO KNOWS WHAT HE DID
Starts today! See you Saturday at 10:00 at The Omni in Charlottesville
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD why are we feigning surprise that he can’t get an appeal fully bonded. He was never gonna get this appeal fully bonded. Insurance companies are not stupid. Evil. But not stupid.
What if instead of relying on billionaires to buy struggling media outlets we just, like, taxed them and used the money to provide grants to independent journalists - like a WPA, but for news and information?