Amorak Huey

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Amorak Huey

Loyola dad. BGSU dad. Poet. Editor. BGSU professor & proud union member. Auburn fan. He/him. It's pronounced uh-MOR-ack.
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“When I look back and try / to figure out why, my best guess is / that it felt like spring all the time because we / were so startlingly wrong about the future.” - the great in The Missouri Review
Long-, long-, longtime dream to have work in The Missouri Review.
Long-, long-, longtime dream to have work in The Missouri Review.
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I feel like panicking and I was not in control of this situation and I could see at least ten instances now where I’d made wrong decisions and being in control of the situation was really important because otherwise it was in control of me
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There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
My book-buying budget is not what it once was, which is precisely why I’m using the library more. It also gives me the opportunity to read books that I’m not sure I want to add to the home library (not that there’s a lot of room to do that anyway).
Blocking the former colleague who sent me this text yesterday.
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Attention to art, to nature—it teaches us so much 💙 Love an ekphrastic poem that does all these things…
Taylor Brunson with the poem “Spring Evening”—read the poem in full here:
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Y’all help this project out if you can!
Space Unicorns! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter reached its INITIAL FUNDING!! THANK YOU!!! Now let's reach some stretch goals!!
"My sister called herself Ruby, blurring the space around her like a myth." Kendra DeColo killing it on Poetry Daily this morning:
"Blue and Green Music" by Kendra from "Graffitied Heart" published by Slapering Hol
Stick a book contract in that trap & I'm cooked.
If someone was baiting a trap to specifically catch you, what bait would they use? Mine would be a big lump of hash (can't get it round here, miss it a lot) or a '59 Fender Bassman amp
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The only way to take the party left, BTW, because I know whose saying shit like this, is to retain power, take more, and obtain a greater voice for that wing of the coalition in a government they helped create. There's no universe where a loss takes this party anywhere but to the right.
Just saw someone post that they want Biden to lose by a landslide in order to force the Democratic Party to change What year is it? Because I've seen this same argument against Clinton in 2016 and Gore in 2000 A huge loss WOULD change the party, but probably not in good ways
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Always / I wear this raincoat of desire / and ash. one of my favorite poems by in this week’s Only Poems
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When the France election results are good
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We’re delighted to welcome Amorak Huey with Never the Same River, out tomorrow #flashfiction #shortstory
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::gets excited:: The Arts & Crafts movement of the Victorian era was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and the fear of losing artisanal craftsmanship and work across a wide spectrum of creative mediums. Industrialization was making mass production much easier but the downside was losing skills
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
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A job I was looking forward to just fell through because I requested a very basic “please don’t feed my work into the AI garbage chute pls” clause in the contract That was apparently against company policy and non-negotiable If anyone needs a book cover I have an opening in my schedule
wow, standing on principle sure is expensive
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I’ll say a little more about this later. But the fun part of this essay was that I wasn’t allowed to assume any knowledge at all about gaming for my reader. None. I had amazing editors work me really hard for each sentence.
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We're almost halfway through the 100 subs, so please send soon if you plan to!
Please note we also will close after 100 subs!
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"In the dying light of the final star, there will be breakfast at the last truck stop between here and oblivion ..." Pleased & proud that this collaborative poem about Slash and Spock (written with is up at Poetry Daily today.
"Slash and Mr. Spock Sitting in the Waffle House at the End Of The Universe" by Amorak Huey & W. Todd from "Slash/Slash" published by Diode
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I bet audiobook narrators love it when fantasy authors describe their weird nonhuman magical characters as talking in a voice like broken glass or tearing metal or a thousand ringing bells or whatever
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Honestly if money were made unnecessary to live we would almost certainly be getting more art out of people, not less, let's make money superfluous to existence and find out
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
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Lmao oh so you know? You know your GenAI could be bad for a lot of reasons