
I don't really know how Tapper & Bash could have fact-checked Trump without turning it into a four-way debate. Maybe have Daniel Dale onsite and take occasional pauses to rate the veracity of statements?
Every debate involving Trump goes off the rails and none of the revised rules really did much to prevent that. I legitimately don't know what they could have done.
Maybe a constantly updated chyron clarifying the complete lies. 'FACT CHECK: NANCY PELOSI NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR J6 LOL'
Or a Ron Howard voiceover, "He did not, in fact, try to send 10K National Guard"
Electric shock every time he lies.
*The Mercy Seat playing menacingly increases*
That was done in the past and worked well
there was a very savvy reporter who challenged andrew tate and made him look like a total chud i want her to moderate
if you haven't you should read "Infomocracy" and its sequels by
I liked how Colbert's side text constantly undercut him on the Colbert Report
Trump isn't great at much, but he's a gifted bullshit artist. Debating a bullshit artist is impossible, it's a category error. Debates need to be engaged with in good faith to be meaningful. Otherwise the bullshit artist runs over everyone else and the whole thing is a train wreck.
There should be no second debate, in other words. Shouldn't have been a first one.
The problem is after last night's performance that would be perceived as Biden being scared to debate, not as Trump being too much of a liar to be worth debating
In my opinion, so be it. Better than getting run over on national television again. For the record, I am not a professional politics person and frequently have no idea what I'm talking about, so grain of salt and all that.
we're long past having how things *might be perceived / used by the GOP* dictating behavior. It seems self-evident some of the firehose will stick. It seems the real point, as Trump has demonstrated, is keeping the spotlight on the other's un-fitness instead of shivving your own guy.
How much longer do we have to let the GOP dictate that dynamic, I wonder? They have the media by the curlies. Everything is always the Democrats fault, no matter how vile the GOP behave.
The train wreck was what we wanted to see anyway, we all know both guys and the people who are waffling and “haven’t made up their minds until they hear more about their platforms” are lying to you or aren’t watching that nonsense
Letting Trump talk + not attempting to make him answer a specific question = Trump gets to control the debate.
They never once cut off the mic either, have they?
I noticed it at the start, there was one point where trump was yargle-bargling into a dead mic
The only time I noticed mic cut offs was when Biden said something during one of Trump's lies. It ended up being a format that helped him.
They cut the mic off plenty, Biden talked into a dead mic a few times near the end just snapping back at Trump. They mostly just shut up when the “your mic is off” light came on though because no one could hear them unless they yelled loud enough for the other guy’s mic to pick it up
(Example: Biden yelled “show me!” At Trump when he said lie number 37,251,004 of the night. I forget which lie it was but I remember hearing Biden come through trump’s mic from far away lol)
cartoon trap door under Trump immediately drops him in a dunk tank when he lies Bugs Bunny overlay holding big sign pointing to Trump : "A LIE"
They could have not done a debate that involves an obviously malignant narcissist as a candidate. But the “news” media wants to sell ad slots. That’s all they care about.
There is nothing other than having them read prepared statements at each other from fifty paces and if one deviates from the script they are dropped into a moat
Or, any lie results in me pushing a button that elicits a loud, annoying noise that gets louder by 2db with each press. Starts at at 80db.
Has anyone ever tried to go up an just slap him? Like, a shovel-like hand, square across his face? The audacity alone may shut him up for a minute at least
I think every time one of the debaters lies, a marksman-type gets to shoot them with a rubber band or a pea shooter. Lying should HURT.