jace cavacini

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jace cavacini


The anti-intellectualism, anti-science, ignorance, antipathy, sexism, racism, & corporate/authoritarian-bootlicking in my country terrifies me.

It can and is happening here. SCOTUS is jogging us to it. Almost everybody in “leadership” (legislative bodies & administration) is so comfortable with a status quo they think will be maintained under a fascist dictatorship that they refuse to work to put the breaks on it, let alone turn it around.
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
SCOTUS: The president is not above the law. Apparently also SCOTUS: The president is immune to law while doing “official stuff”, including overturning elections they’ve lost, because US presidents are allowed to pursue dictatorship. Except if they’re democrats (probably).
Wait, are they suggesting I might not make it through my meal? What … is there… something I should know about their food? 😂
Oh look, more proof that “nobody wants to work anymore” is actually “nobody wants to pay employees anymore”, along with the usual sociopathy: [From the article] “In some instances, hiring managers said their goal is to signal to current employees they are replaceable.”
That job you applied for might be a fake. Here's why.apple.news Four in 10 companies admitted to posting fake job listings. Here are the reasons why.
Technology has become nigh intolerable. Having communications or data deleted by bad design is even worse than by bugs, but who can fucking tell what the difference is anymore, since testing & fixing is apparently not worth the slight drop in profits to the sociopathic executives running it all.
The political viability of people like Trump are a continuous reminder that a huge percentage of the populous of the country cannot recognize pathological behaviors like malignant narcissism and sociopathy, even when as blindingly obvious as Trump’s example. Worse: some people clearly prefer it.
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So our “incorruptible” Supreme Court has decided that bribes are bad, except if they come ex post facto, where they can be referred to as “gratuity”. What’s the fucking difference? It’s a perfect example of “it’s legal if we call it this but not that”. Public officials don’t deserve “gratuities”.
Highly recommended discussion, especially the first half about the psychology of supporting extremism in the USA. This is something EVERYONE needs to deeply consider, regardless of their sociopolitical alignment.
David Roberts on why this campaign is driving him crazywww.publicnotice.co "We’re in a situation where we have this lying, abusive, obviously nutbag figure, and we can’t acknowledge to ourselves what’s happening."
FFS, people, STOP promoting vigilantism & mob “justice” when law enforcement & taxation doesn’t go the way you want. Vigilante/mob “justice” isn’t just, nor progressive. It’s 100% regressive. What kind of a society do you want to live in? We don’t have any moral high ground if we BECOME the enemy.
I only just realized “SpaceX” is another 12-year-old boy edgelord joke name by Muskyboy. “SpaceX”, when spoken, is almost indistinguishable from “Space Sex”. 🤦🏽‍♂️
This incredible rant, by a credible computer infotech engineer, should be mandatory reading for everyone in management everywhere, before they have a chance to call for “AI” to be rolled out at their company or put into their company’s products:
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicityludic.mataroa.blog
Been screaming this. The screaming does nothing.
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
There are people that still don’t understand why many of us oppose the death penalty. Fucking THIS, right motherfucking HERE, is godfucking horrific enough *without* a death sentence.
Good take. I wish other people would take the scale of the universe seriously.
It's not a paradox at all but rather Fermi stumbled upon conclusive evidence that interstellar space travel is impossible for complex biological life forms so maybe let's focus on not fucking up the only home we will ever have, eh?
Reposted byAvatar jace cavacini
love that we've ceded control of our primary voice networks because we're too corrupt to pass and enforce rules that don't upset telemarketers and debt collectors
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
“…But back then, and according to their myths and their beliefs, what they were doing was considered correct, so we cannot judge what they did under our modern point of view.” Yes we can. We can always judge human sacrifice as wrong; some back then likely did. Stop walking on eggshells for religion
DNA reveals surprise about the children ancient Mayans chose to sacrificeapple.news Researchers analyzing DNA at ancient Mayan city of Chichén Itzá, a site for human sacrifices, found that young boys, including twins, were buried in a mass grave there.
When the almighty FUCK are we going to stop elevating and rewarding sociopaths and psychopaths to positions of power and wealth???
Remember when we banned TikTok because our autocratic adversaries might use propaganda to try and undermine faith in institutions and erode trust in the very idea of objective truth - using covert, subversive tactics on social media?
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China vaccineswww.reuters.com The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
Every time I see someone say some variation of “let them secede”, I jump in to tell them “no, we do not abandon all the perfectly good and innocent people trapped in that state to a fate at the hands of that state’s gerrymandered leadership of insane nutcases”.
3. Nearly 60% of TX's pop is BIPOC, and new pop growth in TX is basically a 10:1 BIPOC to white ratio. So before you fire up your "let them go" hot takes, consider that you'd be advocating for the abandonment of a lot of folks (many disfranchised or inadequately represented) who hate this shit too
Texas Secessionsts win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step'www.newsweek.com The state GOP has backed a referendum on leaving the American Union in its 2024 legislative platform.
Anything can be ruined by human greed. It’s unlikely enjoyers of avocados are the ones creating the crazy demand that allows cartels to profit off deforesting for avocado groves. Grocery stores order INSANE amounts of food, then throw away much of it (and get tax breaks on top of the waste).
Inside Mexico’s anti-avocado militiasapple.news The long read: The spread of the avocado is a story of greed, ambition, corruption, water shortages, cartel battles and, in a number of towns and villages, a fierce fightback
Why are there so many shitty headlines on “BBC Science Focus Magazine”?? It looks like a stream of bullshit, likely woo, and status-quo-supporting nonsense as “science” headlines. I have zero interest in a single one of them and I’m about to block it on Apple News.
As a Pennsylvanian, I find this behavior by my so-called elected officials to be shameful, embarrassing, and illustrative of their dearth of credibility & qualification for the job they’ve convinced The People to grant them. “The party of law and order” is a title of grand hypocrisy.
I’m HIGHLY suspicious of any self-proclaimed lefty (or other non-“centrist”, non-republican) on social media pushing “extreme solutions” rhetoric. You’re not clearly distinct from the guy down the street with a pro-Trump “American flag” formed of rifles & statement inciting rebellion.
This is a thread of people calling out one of the most maddening behaviors of “Centrists™” and “the apolitical”, so I’m promoting it.
If I was going to write a Politics Book, it would be about this specific form of brainrot, the idea that you must have such complete dedication to abstract principles that you're a hypocrite for thinking that some politicians should go to prison and others shouldn't.
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I actually do have a universal law on prosecuting politicians: If politicians commit crimes, they should be prosecuted! It's shockingly easy to be consistent on this point.
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/2 Anyway I love computer games but I am not a Gamer because Gamers are absolutely annoying broken weirdos
Reposted byAvatar jace cavacini
It is so absolutely bonkers that two sitting Supreme Court Justices supported a coup attempt. Of all the insane things that have happened over the past eight years - that might be the most insane.
There’s something delicious about inserting this article’s details into the nutty realm of so-called “alpha male” men’s rhetoric about themselves… are these guys infected with T.gondii and sexually attracted to cat piss? 😆
Something Strange Happens to Wolves Infected by an Infamous Mind-Altering Parasiteapple.news Their minds are not fully their own.