
People like to argue that if the left abandons Democrats, they’ll be voiceless. You’re already voiceless. They say “Dems can be persuaded.” You can’t even persuade them to stop backing genocide. Forget about affordable housing, college, etc. Acknowledge that Dems won’t ever work on your issues.
Biden is the most progressive president in modern history and it's wild watching people live in absolutely denial of this.
People like to argue that if the left abandons Democrats, they’ll be voiceless. You’re already voiceless. They say “Dems can be persuaded.” You can’t even persuade them to stop backing genocide. Forget about affordable housing, college, etc. Acknowledge that Dems won’t ever work on your issues.
Genuinely, it is wild watching posts like this get zero or one reply, but get tons of likes and reposts, while Chet's other bullshit gets basically no engagement. Beginning to think there's some inauthentic behavior occurring here!
That's a funny bit where he takes the one issue where there is a definite disagreement with the left on how to handle it and says "If they won't even do this one thing..."
There no real disagreement on the left. Liberals, those of an ideology that has always and will always enable fascism, find this issue “complicated.”
You should try to read the words I wrote and not the version you want it to be so you can be mad.
You said there was disagreement on the left. There isn’t.
I was gonna check the thread but honestly it doesn't matter what topic this is even about because the statement "there is no disagreement on the left" has literally never been true on any subject in all of history lol
Pretty united against the genocide of Palestinians, which is the context of the statement. So you should have probably checked.
I did check which is how I know you are lying right now lol The claim was about *engaging the democratic party on the issue is genocide*, a subject on which there is tremendous disagreement, which you know because you never stop needling about it and getting called out for rhetoric dumbassery on it
Don'r you have a Confederacy to defend?
I, a socialist, vehemently disagree with you.