
the stuff people post on Threads (I still drop in over there, despite myself) amazes me, like is this kind of argumentative, engagement-farming shit what normals have always used social media for?? and I'm the weirdo who uses social media to read the news and do activism and learn stuff?
The vibe I got from threads was that all these instagram influencers found themselves auto-enrolled in threads, thought "Holy shit, we have to TYPE WORDS on this platform?!" and launched into long-form(ish) blogging without being at all cut out for it Hence the reversion to the very low mean
What happens when engagement junkies have to pivot from posting pretty pictures to writing essays: what's going to get me that sweet, sweet engagement?
yeah you're 1000% correct on this
I also feel like there's a Reddit to TikTok to Threads pipeline where TikTokkers steal ideas from Reddit (usually Am I the Asshole) and then those topics are moved over to Threads? That wedding gift thing was a 'hot topic' on TikTok a few weeks ago
yeah!!! the outrage fungibility pipeline is so weird
I am both fascinated and annoyed by it (though I am not on Threads, I'd imagine that's where it hits last)
And I am fairly sure the first iteration I saw was someone reading out the Reddit post