
Degrowth includes this! But choosing smaller families, moving to an urban area to rely on public transport/cycling/walking and ditch cars, shifting to plant-based diets, systems thinking/ecocentrism, reducing waste and reducing consumption generally are things we can all do!
Actually I'm finishing up Dark PR by Grant Ennis and action is zero sum. What we really should be doing is organizing to build political power, to compel our governments to end fossil fuel subsidies (to start with), then use regulation & taxation to support all that other stuff.
You have an interesting conversation here, about individual action, ecological footprints etc. But I would like to hear more about political action. For the USA, especially democracy needs an overhaul. What do you think of RepresentUs
They seem fine, their goals are good. Common Cause has also been working for most of these for many years. Really, exactly what organization you connect with is less important than that you get active. I'm partial to local stuff myself (but not exclusively).