Liz Schiller #DefundthePolice

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Liz Schiller #DefundthePolice

Feminist/white/Jewish/parent/writer. Solidarity is action (Mia McKenzie). Courage then action then hope. Interested in trauma. I write songs and stuff sometimes. (Like Bike riding is the most fun. she/her
Forcing John Roberts into a recursive contradiction that tears reality apart by asking him if a Jan. 6 participant could sleep outside the Capitol the night before
I think part of the reason some embrace nihilism is because if everything is doomed, that means you don't have to DO anything about it. That's the appeal. I'm going to challenge myself not to share anything negative that doesn't include a suggestion for action from myself or others.
Gonna keep saying this & will die on this hill: Bad news without any guidance on what to do about it [at least some ideas] demobilizes and often encourages inaction. We on the Left(s) have to avoid cynicism which is deeply corrosive and also counterrevolutionary.
Human beings were not intended to be subjected to unfiltered constant commentary about everything they do or don't do. Yet this is the age of uninterrupted comments as humans are called "content" and "accounts". It's good to actively ignore 99% of them especially from strangers.
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
every time I see someone complain about unions I think about how unions were the consensus alternative to the previous system of burning the factory owner alive inside his house
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
New US mascot just dropped
It's funny how we seem to be surprised by this story every year. As if we collectively think, the fact that we decided to ignore COVID and end the emergency means it will ignore us, too.
A seasonal wave of #Covid is sweeping across the U.S., driven by the FLiRT variants, a trio of the latest #SARSCoV2 mutants making the rounds. So no, it's not your imagination. People are getting Covid again
Yep, people are getting COVID A seasonal COVID-19 wave appears to be underway with cases growing or likely growing in 39 states.
Is it possible to attribute worsening health outcomes to the changing climate? We think it is. See our new paper (me and, CMCC) for more evidence of the health co-benefits of tackling climate change.
1/n NEW PUBLICATION #Environmental Research Letters Climate, weather & child health: quantifying health co-benefits w/ Prof We quantify links between #climatechange & child health using subnational data from 130 countries.
Climate, weather, and child health: quantifying health co-benefits - Climate, weather, and child health: quantifying health co-benefits, Shouro Dasgupta, Elizabeth J Z Robinson
Happy birthday to #physicist Harriet Brooks (1876 - 1933) who discovered atomic recoil, Radon & recognized radioactive elements could undergo chains of transmutations into a series of new elements.👩🏼‍🔬🎢🐡🧪⁠#histsci ⁠ She was Rutherford’s 1st grad student at McGill. After publishing her results 🧵1/n
We welcome the proposed creation of a federal heat safety standard by the Biden-Harris administration. This common-sense and life-saving rule proposed by @OSHA_DOL will protect the health and lives of farm workers who have no choice but to work during dangerous temperatures. 1/
Many Black Americans are one generation away from formal authoritarianism. That's not how we often talk about policies like Jim Crow but that's what it was.
A lot of Americans do know what it's like to live under an authoritarian regime. My parents do. Many immigrants ended up in the US because they were fleeing authoritarianism (sometimes US backed). Offhand Haitians, Dominicans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans, Koreans all know.
to clarify: life under authoritarians is often boring and normal for many people until it all of a sudden isn’t, and of course it’s that uncertainty that causes the corrosion.
Living under authoritarian regimes is both relatively boring and normal AND incredibly corrosive to the human soul. These things can absolutely co-exist. This is why everyone needs to resist authoritarians, even people who privately assume they’ll be just fine.
📣 GEORGIA Democrats are unlikely to flip control of their state legislature, but they can definitely make gains...and boosting local Dem turnout also helps with statewide turnout, vitally important in swing states. Donate DIRECTLY to these Democrats today.
Chip in! Show your support with a contribution.
One of my favorite definitions of leadership is "stepping forward to do the thing that needs doing which nobody else seems willing or able to do." It's really simple but incredibly effective. Is there something that would help people around you but nobody is doing it? Can you do it? Are you?
I remember when Trump was defeated, seeing people non violently celebrating in the streets and I remember the cops, especially NYPD, crying. You should remember this too. You should REALLY remember this.
I think this is the fundamental asymmetry underlying every aspect of the conflict between the parties; you see it in the Senate, in gerrymandering, in the use of executive power I don't want King Biden either, but it's long past time to make the GOP afraid of the consequences of endless escalation
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Okay time for fun. Go into your photo roll or whatever, and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud. Here's mine.
Semafor hire an abortion reporter challenge
“Intelligent” isn’t what I would call this story. 1) the Supreme Court didn’t do that and 2) every word out of Trump’s mouth is a lie
I dunno, I guess y'all didn't sit through "Eyes On The Prize" every February in Social Studies for every year of middle school? Maybe you should find it and watch it. You will not find "They shot our leader, we should give up, it's hopeless now."
You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
One thing I think people forget is how relentlessly *stupid* every day of the Trump administration was. He doesn’t need to do a big elaborate complicated conspiracy, he can just (e.g.) email a list of every U.S. agent in the field to Putin and say it’s to own the libs, and *that* will have immunity.
What area are you passionate about, what (time, $, skills) can you offer , and MOST CRITICALLY DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP 🚨🚨🚨what are the needs on the ground? There are already lots of people doing great work. They are the experts. Your job is to figure out how to be of use, not the other way around.
On a practical level: the only way out politically now is a grassroots mobilization across coalitions. Everyone. All together*. On a philosophical level: the only way out now is a connection across types of humanity. Everyone. All together.* *white supremacists are not invited to this party