
This is your warning that I am going to start blocking people who come into my mentions to do this shit when I am desperately trying to cling to every single fucking positive attempt to use power to move in the correct direction, because I am fucking sick of this shit.
would people PLEASE FUCKING STOP DOING the thing where you see people taking a small measure of comfort in the tactical use of power to try to block the worst outcomes and rush to immediately chastise them for not covering Ideal Solution That Will Take Decades To Achieve Political Will To Implement
The last week of news in the US has been full of examples of the fifty-year organized fascist campaign to use tiny amounts of power in order to achieve their fascist goals paying off in fucking horrifying outcomes while everyone else sat around with their thumbs up their asses.
I am absolutely fucking done with people whining about exercises of power to stop the immediate bleeding being inadequate because they aren't The Ideal Longterm Solution. Holding out for The Ideal Longterm Solution while the fascists use the existing levers as a crowbar is what fucking got us here.
Me clinging to small positive actions is what is keeping me from absolutely losing my shit right now. If you are going to shit on that, do not do it in my fucking mentions.
I am a huge fan of Big Change Is Needed but I am also a huge fan of A Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts With Stretching and Packing for the Journey
Yes! I know goddamn well big change is needed! this is why I am desperately trying to cling to the hope of every single bit of movement in the correct direction!
"We need a row of trees here, but they'll take 20 years to grow. We're screwed." "You'd better get planting."
"Okay you know how a bandage won't fix the hole in your leg, but it can stop or at least slow the bleeding? Good, now *extrapolate* dummy."
My ex was very much a Perfect Ideal Solution that Eliminates 100% of the Problem or NOTHING kind of person and it’s a big part of why he’s an ex. Anyone who tries to get in the way of a helpful thing because it’s not ✨enough✨ can get right in the sea, I’ll be over here applying bandaids where I can
Imagine being able to cast cute all. No? You can't? Okay let's do the bandaid fix that gives us time to engineer a proper solution. You are absolutely right in exploding all over these nihilistic people. Hope your mentions don't look too bad.
*Cure all I hate autocorrect.