chesterton's fence contracting

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chesterton's fence contracting

recovering poster.
John Glover as an evil (posessed?) broadway producer is a great casting.
It's amazing that there's a TV show with 3 of my favorite actors and a format (paranormal procedural) I like that I've never even attempted to watch
dude we'll still hang out with you, just admit you were given a grim warning by the oracles. nobody suddenly starts doubting the oracles one day cause they foresaw a bunch of dope shit
Forced to borrow the neighbors gas mower, awful experience.
which way Western man?
Ok it's official: I reprogrammed the HOME shortcut in the GPSes.
Just bought a big pile of rent control and eviction protection. I can feel myself becoming more bourgeois by the day.
dumbass neighbor kids are launching mortar style fireworks by holding the tube.
Drove past a homemade KAMALA '24 sign today.
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Reading ANCESTRAL NIGHT (first in the series) now, enjyoing the quick-shift feeling of disorientation like a spanking new artificial grav field kicking on.
Hell, the entire load-bearing backstory of my White Space books is "What if all the eschatological tech billionaires and millennarians fucked off into space and left a severely damaged Earth in the hands of the community organizers, who rewired our brains to be more commensal."
David Hume ought to be known better. Is he? Well,
look for my forthcoming essay on the United Necrocratic States
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
started watched The Acolyte. Apparently there was some controversy about using a lightsaber as a flashlight? But cops use their weapons as flashlights all the time.
thinking about how, in the CBC radio adaption of LeGuin's THE DISPOSESSED, they portrayed Shevek's revolutionary efforts in physics by having him recite equations in a strained voice.
CBC: The Vanishing Point: The Dispossessed (adapted from the novel by Ursula K. Le Guin) –
Carmy dies and goes to the afterlife to operate an incredibly dysfunctional taverna in the Crossroads.
If we count the last show I actually paid attention to as opposed to just ones my wife has had on, it’s eminently doable; Football Manager plus Physical: 100 is just found to be Physical: 100 UK.
❌ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness ✅ shit was mid
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
still amused that by 1) totally filling the bed And 2) driving off road about once a month puts me in the 90th percentile of pickup owners. If I towed regularly I'd get to 99th.
took an entire truck bed full of scrap metal to the yard. That was a lot of work for $8.50
These Instagram reels have incredible music hooks that are from the worst songs you've ever heard.
I hadn't remembered how much I prefer Jacques' prose to most others (recently, Erin Hunter, who is workmanlike and better psychologically, but can't hold a candle to scene, setting or action)
Started OUTCAST OF REDWALL, Jacques only attempt to grapple with the bio-essentialism of the setting.
took an entire truck bed full of scrap metal to the yard. That was a lot of work for $8.50
Finally killed that Chronos asshole. Fuck u grandad.