Chris Kluwe

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Chris Kluwe

Troublemaker extraordinaire
Fortunately, the Supreme Court just ruled on a workaround for this!
At the risk of being precisely who everyone expects me to be, I don’t think you can put term limits on justices without a constitutional amendment, and I’m 100% confident at least five current justices think you can’t.
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Every picture of JD Vance looks like he's just been told the court clerk does not accept Bitcoin.
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he’s sitting at a kitchen table waiting for Chris Hansen to enter the room
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he’s sitting at a kitchen table waiting for Chris Hansen to enter the room
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam
Reposted byAvatar Chris Kluwe
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Trump/Vance is just the sweatiest, lumpiest collection of yeast you’ll find outside of a sourdough bread factory. A quietly boiling turmoil of inarticulate anger and uninformed grievances waiting to erupt out into a fascist loaf.
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A fraud common man to go with a fraud businessman, what’s not to like?
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Aileen Cannon is a good example of how Project 2025 would work. You put a barely qualified fascist in every government position that matters and BINGO. Fash times in the USA!
The chaos gremlin in me is rooting for a penalty here, even though it wasn’t a penalty
“Well the argument will be how this compares to what Spain did in the Euros final.” That one was actually a good game. This is a disasterpiece.
And there’s the cherry on top. Angry, tired old men bitching at each other because one team finally went up. This is my 40+ league to a T
Yeah, that’s about how I expected a goal to be scored. Heavy legs, poor touches, and the sub with just enough gas in the tank able to take advantage.
“In a shocking move, Argentina has brought in Pope Francis with their last substitution, but it appears Colombia is answering with a troupe of Escobar’s hippos! I tell you, Landon, this is Copa football at its finest!”
This is pure CONCACAF after dark. Just an absolute train wreck but it’s impossible to look away
I don’t think half these players are going to survive another fifteen minutes
This final is now indistinguishable from my 40+ league
This final is now indistinguishable from my 40+ league
Live look at all the players on the field heading into extra time as well as Colombia’s coach contemplating penalties against Martinez
“The fans did not see that shot of him weeping, they did not put that up on the video board.” Yeah, because they have some class, which is the exact opposite of every single one of these FOX sports broadcasts
Good to see Rob Liefeld finally getting some work after all these years. Soccer halftime shows are a bold new direction, but I think he’s making it work
Live look at Argentina’s uniforms in the second half
Rofl at Messi doing three barrel rolls to get back on the field so they couldn’t do a quick restart
The moments when the commenting feed cuts out and it’s just crowd noise is by far the best viewing experience of this tournament so far.
I think everything about this Copa final is indicative of soccer in America. Problems at the stadium, broadcast audio not syncing up, just a deeply unserious effort all around.
Meanwhile in other news, Miami officials desperately hoping the city sinks into the ocean before the World Cup happens because who could have predicted crazy soccer fans would show up for a big soccer game.
“Following the President’s speech on toning down political rhetoric, FOX News will now go to commenter HitlerWasRight42069 for their thoughts.”
England looked flat almost the entire game. Spain definitely deserved that one - better possession, more creative attacking, more willingness to move off the ball. Wouldn’t be surprised if the lack of substitutions by England earlier in the tournament led to heavy legs.
Unsure why the GOP is upset at their core demographic acting on the platform the GOP has spent almost half a century constructing
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
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Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Would honestly be a little hilarious if Biden decided to take that SCOTUS presidential immunity ruling to its logical conclusion