Chris Kluwe

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Chris Kluwe

Troublemaker extraordinaire
The NYTimes busy organizing twelve op-ed pieces for tomorrow’s front page on how France choosing compromise over fascism is bad for Biden
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reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it
So is this part we repeat history almost a century later and start regarding the NYTimes as less of a “trusted news source” and more “a vital part of the fascist propaganda machine”?
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If you care about the USA, the single best thing you can do today is to contribute to a downticket race thats close. The second best thing you can do is cancel your NYT subscription and use that money for the purpose.
- “Look, it’s simple, you just have to know the difference between Freedom™️ explosions and ‘Actual Literal War’ explosions” “yeah, that was fucking dumb, sorry”
In what is certainly a first for my freshman football coaching career, out of 62 kids on the team, I have 8(!) who want to be kickers.
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One thing that annoys me about the Democratic consultant class is how they act like they're brass-knuckle streetfighters and yet don't have the stones to run nonstop ads about Trump's extensive connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It's all true! It's documented! There are photos!
You know, there’s a reason the Chinese curse translates into “may you live in interesting times”
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
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Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.
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It can’t be repeated enough: transphobia is a warning sign for fascism. The rights of trans people are a canary in the mine, and when they’re assaulted it means we are all under assault.
formerly 'left-wing' UK philosopher and transphobe Nina Power has been exposed in her own text messages as a literal Nazi (occult variety)
Remind me again who the first American Revolution was fighting against?
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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People keep referencing guillotines & gallows, but the American response to this situation has tended to range from "mob justice" to "mail bombs" For these reasons, past generations of US elites have sought to preserve at least the *illusion* of a fair system of laws. But the mask is fully off now.
What happens to societies when all legitimate, peaceful means of political accountability are rendered impotent?
Thing that stands out to me most about Berhalter is you look at interviews with world class managers after a loss and it’s “We tried a more aggressive attacking fullback up the side and got hit on a counter” and he’s all “flerpy herp, you should teach my non-answer to a class of business majors”
All the problems that Berhalter is describing in this postgame press conference are problems that are supposed to be solved by coaching
It’s this entirely, and it’s shown in the coaching.
Doesn't it boil down to the US developmental system being steps behind top countries'? I used to be a "what if LeBron played soccer" dude, but sheer athleticism hasn't been the problem in decades — there just aren't enough USMNT players with top tier feel, and that's magnified in intl play.
I think my takeaway from the current state of US soccer on the biggest stage is that there’s a fundamental disconnect between how players on the team expect each other to play. The European league players and the MLS players are not on the same page and there’s no connective tissue.
Catching up to the US-Uruguay game and at the 67th minute yeah someone definitely had money on this game and made some calls
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
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Just to point out the obvious: the Emancipation Proclamation was unconstitutional. Sometimes it’s ok to break rules to do what’s right, is the point.
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If you murder a string of Supreme Court justices and then appeal your conviction back up to the Supreme Court, all the remaining judges must recuse themselves with conflicts of interest. You are automatically freed; the perfect crime. No law school is brave enough to admit this.
This Supreme Court should not be allowed to readjourn with the same amount of justices it ended this session with. Whatever form that takes I’m fine with.
It’s time for mister guillotine to go chippity choppity
Update - I did, in fact, play goalie. Luckily, my team controlled the game pretty well and I only had to make one save. Unluckily, it was a full stretch fingertip knockaway off a nasty knuckler going near post, but I still got it and my back cooperated. Let’s see how I feel tomorrow.
Back update - after the combined exertions of the day, there is a manageable level of pain indicating things are healing fine. Everything should be good in about a week, assuming no stupid movements to cause a setback. Tomorrow is my 11v11 open league, in which I may or may not play goalie.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Kluwe
This feels like it has BlueSky energy
Back update - after the combined exertions of the day, there is a manageable level of pain indicating things are healing fine. Everything should be good in about a week, assuming no stupid movements to cause a setback. Tomorrow is my 11v11 open league, in which I may or may not play goalie.
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"CNN Defends Decision to Not Do a Journalism"