
Three things that are true: 1) I did not support Biden in the 2020 primary 2) I thought Biden looked like a reanimated corpse at the debate 3) I have every confidence that he is fully capable of being President, and the New York Times and other outlets are fucking him to goose readership
I am just Some Guy but it definitely has compelled me to get way more vocally supportive of Biden in defense, just because of how obvious it is that this is ratfuckery from the bad guys and their painfully stupid patsies in the press
Absolutely my last choice in 2020! Thought he didn't have a chance and would suck as president if he did win. I was very wrong on both counts!
I literally said going in to the 2020 primary "I don't know who I'm going to support, but whoever they are, they're going to be under 70 years old." Which turned into a cosmic joke when the last candidates standing were Biden (77), Sanders (78), Bloomberg (78), Warren (71), and... Buttigieg.
I loved pointing out that Diamond Joe had run for President before and flamed out with zero delegates, and expected him to do so again. Guess third time was the charm.