
Joe Biden just forgave $130k of my student loan debt.
It is not an exaggeration to say that I could not have done public interest climate advocacy as a career without the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. This is an economic mobility program that is helping to diversify fields like mine away from only having room for people who were born rich.
Biden has forgiven or otherwise cleared $144 billion in debt for 3.96 million student borrowers. Spread the word.
Proud owner of one one-millionth of Biden's student debt cancellation.
Just gotta keep reminding ourselves that these guys are like 12 and they should be riding bikes to burn off that 12yo asshole energy but bad road design has made that impossible.
I think you are stupid for being happy that a government program under Biden helped you in an economically transformational way in your life. You should be thanking George W Bush -- he should for sure get credit for this even though it sucks that it happened. I am doing praxis.
were you number one million, Dave? If so I will make you a banner.
Look no one can prove I'm *not* number one million
without a certificate of some kind I'm afraid this is all I can do for you
Why a banner when it could be a cummerbund?
I feel like a sash is the way to go
As of the first quarter of 2023, student loan debt in the U.S. stands at a total of over $1.77 trillion, so relatively speaking that isn't much.
3.96 is from a total of how many, do you have that info?
so thats approx .09%, do i have that right?
yes but.... i think it is important to emphasize they need to do sooo Much More, every chance we get.
Yet done ZERO to bring down the cost to the students entering debt NOW. So stupid.
it is not an exaggeration to say that i can actually, finally participate economically in my own well-being as opposed to being an indentured servant, scrambling from paycheck to paycheck - for the first time in my entire adult life. I turn 51 this year
1994 = $90k I paid almost $1,000 a month since I work at a public service employer BUT when I filled out papers they sold my loan & I had to reapply again - I've been eligible since 2012 Joe forgave my loans: I paid a total of $188,000 my final principle amount? 98k
Student Loans: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) With over 43 million Americans paying off student loans, John Oliver discusses how so many people have come to take on student loan debt, why it’s so hard to...
I managed to pay off my student loans last year. I didn’t qualify for forgiveness because I refinanced, but I still fully support it. Wipe it all out.
Same for me, but public defender instead. I qualified for PSLF mid-pandemic and it’s been such a relief. Thrilled for you!