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Physician and Earth scientist
Subspecialties: renewable energy, EVs, ecology and agriculture, disinformation
As many of America's wealthiest and best-educated people work hard to install two climate change deniers in the White House, here's how many spins down the spiral we've fallen: getting life lessons from the Taliban
OH shit, the GOP just did MORE corruption! You should vote more!
If you work at X and don't wish to move to Texas now is as good a time as any to blow the whistle on what you think the public needs to know.
In case you're wondering if the corporate-lobbyist POLITICO is preparing for Christian white nationalist rule... I'm not making this up.
Avatar on a16z's "Little Tech" BS: "[Investors aren't] clever enough to invest in companies that turn a profit by bringing useful products to market anymore. They need special treatment from the government for their bad investments to pay off."
The “Little Tech Agenda” is Just Self-Serving Nonsense | The “Little Tech Agenda” has nothing to do with innovation or technology. It’s just a VC wish list, writes Dave Karpf.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
The MAGA AI bots have taken over Twitter. It's entirely unusable now as they ramp propaganda for November election. So obvious. The Dems have failed, they have done nothing to prevent the next take over. This time, MAGA will dismantle America permanently. We are preparing to move. For real.
Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, has received at least $352,000 in 'contributions' from the oil and gas industry since 2019. And during that time, he switched from being a clean energy advocate to a climate change denier. Funny that.
Vance’s Scorn for Clean Energy Grew as Ohio Embraced Donald Trump’s newly picked running mate, Senator JD Vance, has grown more critical of renewable electricity and climate change even as his home state of Ohio embraced solar power and clean-tech manuf...
Peter Thiel, Planatir, Cambridge Analytica, JD Vance, Project 2025, and more - it’s an ecosystem of theft, profiteering, misogyny, racism, transphobia, capture of government, undermining rule of law, genocidal glee, and more. Look these up, learn about them, this is what’s now center stage
Sure. Here is the chart to 16 years. You can see how much greater than ICE emissions are over the longer timeframe. This also neglects the loss in MPG as the ICE vehicle ages.
continuing to build LNG export terminals on the Gulf Coast is an impossible-to-wrap-your-head-around absurdist thing on the level of those chillers they put in the permafrost to keep the trans-alaska pipeline upright.
This just isn’t journalism. Their own copy refutes the framing. What an embarrassment.
Just last week, Biden signed H.R. 2365, the “Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act,” which would be a part of stories like this if the journalists writing the stories were ethical. That they conceal this context speaks to their abject malice.
Investors are angry about companies' funding of lobbyists to advance agendas at odds with their public pronouncements. 1/5 of Business Roundtable's members express support for SEC's climate risk disclosure rule while funding BRT's efforts to overturn it.
E&E News: Business Roundtable targets climate rule supported by its Six directors of the CEO lobby group run companies that publicly backed the SEC regulation.
If you're mad about the NYT, last July the TransLash folks did a tremendous episode about the paper - and its billionaire publisher and owner, A.G. Sulzberger - on the topic of how choices are made at the paper to drive the Christian Nationalist agenda.
TransLash Presents: Capturing The New York Times - TransLash Episode Description Disinformers ultimately want their narratives to filter into trusted sources where they can almost imperceptibly begin to shift public opinion. In this episode, Imara dives into ho...
Notice who is backing the financial risk in the new gas power plants in Texas.
Just throwing this out there: Reagan (then the oldest president ever) had hearing problems, colon and skin cancers, and Alzheimer's, and the powerful people around him pushed through a ton of judges including Scalia and three other Supremes, passed the Deficit Reduction Act (lol), etc.
Third sign of the apocalypse: COUNTRY MUSIC NOW RAPPING omg
No one else does this. I would never trust a researcher who described their therapy to me as “The Future of Cancer”. Did a tumor write this? Why do we do this and expect people to be on our side?
There is no Future Of Gas. That’s its future. Zero gas. The end of the gas utility. Transition into NOTHING. Absolutely worthless business. Permanently stranded assets. My god it’s so maddening that people keep adopting fossil fuel language out of the gate on climate goals. Have we learned nothing?
"Social media connects us, but it does not organize us. And to save the world, we must get organized" — Katherine Cross ( at the Seattle launch for Log Off last night
Why is it so hard to write “The end of the natural gas industry, forever” if you work in climate? Bare minimum stuff here. Let’s be real about what has to be done then fight for it, publicly, noisily until we win. All of this mushy sleight of hand is why we are where we are.
Carbon offsets. Net zero. Carbon capture. Future of Gas. It all translates into profiting on human misery until we all die. Lift your imagination higher and imagine the end of the gas utility forever, quickly. A relic of the 20th century. Embarrassing that we did it for so long.