
By not being at the bad place, y’all are missing this absolute banger of a thread from Like him, I don’t care who is the Democratic nominee.
It's neither. It's a choice between a fascist and a fascist sympathiser. A Hitler or a Vichy. The ones killing democracy and the ones letting it die. No choice at all.
You'd see how wrong this is had you lived in France through WWII. The point of Vichy was that the Germans didn't occupy it. That's a big deal! In resistance work, it matters a great deal whether there are actual German soldiers marching up and down the block!
Similarly, it's always better to organize when the Dems are in power: they make concessions more easily than the Rs. Your job as a leftist is to take the concessions, while pointing out to others that we need more power to get what we need. It's called critical support. It's leftism 101. Read.
If you think Biden will make concessions, maybe you should worry a little less about getting an anarchist to vote and more about getting him to do that.