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The harder the DEA works, the harder the drugs get.

Cishet white guy.
The Telegraph wants you to feel sorry for a retired couple who made a £1.3 million profit on a £300,000 home.
Out of the hospital. It's not pneumonia. It's something worse, and they can't help me. They recommended I seek pulmonary specialists across the state, because they've never seen anything like what I have. My lungs are full of bleeding lesions, some with holes. I need a health potion and a miracle.
My wonderful grad advisor once diagnosed why a lot of my academic writing read as convoluted & dull (he prob didn't use those words): I give too many caveats & scope conditions BEFORE stating the main point; they almost always belong afterward Still today, regularly, I realize this is my problem
It’s important to understand that we’re subject to indoctrination & propaganda from our government. We receive an extensive training to hold America’s alleged values dear in our upbringing. Until you investigate them, much of what you think of America is what the government wants you to think.
*art deco intensifies*
welcome BTS ARMY and other K-pop aficionados I, for one, always welcome more Chaotic Good here on Bluesky
We are the BTS ARMY. Sorry if the massive influx is overwhelming. We are looking for an alternative for Twitter to be able to interact with each other about BTS. 💜
I have been saying for at least a decade and a half that this is a major unexploited wedge issue for Democrats.
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
Before today’s Twins game there was a moment of silence for Vikes rookie Khyree Jackson, killed in a car crash overnight. The “moment” lasted maybe 5 seconds. I’ve seen those go a full minute at Premier League matches on TV. It’d serve Americans well to STFU, just for a minute.
Your job as a leftist is to get more leverage to get more stuff. It's *always* easier to do that with liberals in power.
You'd see how wrong this is had you lived in France through WWII. The point of Vichy was that the Germans didn't occupy it. That's a big deal! In resistance work, it matters a great deal whether there are actual German soldiers marching up and down the block!
Software development is in crisis: it is failing harder and harder and creating usable software that does productive things; more and more it can no longer even recognize usability as its primary goal. This is separate from the accessibility crisis, but has the same cause: tech's anti-human bias.
Been in a lot of organizing spaces w a lot of different people. You’re not the first self righteous white person I’ve encountered & you won’t be the last. It’s never interesting & always tedious. You’re not the world’s most enlightened person, you’re just someone who figured you could be John Smith.
8 years ago today Philando Castile was murdered. The criminal legal system failed to convict the cop who shot him despite the recorded evidence. We had to watch that video live just 24 hours after we watched cops shoot Alton Sterling in the back. (The video does not play at link)
July 6th, 2016 | A History of Racial On this day, Philando Castile was shot and killed by an officer during a traffic stop for a broken taillight in St. Paul, Minnesota.
A friend just sent me this photo of THE DEAD TAKE THE A TRAIN, the novel I wrote with Cassandra Khaw, at Shakespeare and Company in Paris.
Whores are the actual heroes & cops are the actual villains.
our society is so fucked up that we glorify cops and demonize whores
my favorite historical tidbit is that Nora Ephron, who was married to Carl Bernstein at the time, figured out that Deep Throat was Mark Felt and apparently told a TON of people just like casually at parties she is my hero
lmaooooo people thought diane sawyer was Deep Throat (watergate scandal informant)? i know she was a white house aide at the time and i have the benefit of hindsight (it was mark felt) but diane sawyer?
You always need to be at the ready to disavow an abuser. How much you used to like a person before you knew he dated his nanny in her twenties as a rich old man & published an unethical volume on sexual assault doesn't matter at all once that comes out.
Defaulting to wanting to believe the man you like/are a fan of is how we fucking ended up here so please knock it the fuck off
This is particularly important to understand because Trumpist authoritarianism is the descendent of Jim Crow far more than say Hitler or Pinochet or Orban, and it's going to look a lot more like 1930s Mississippi than 1930s Berlin.
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
Happy disability pride month, everyone, apparently there are a bunch of assholes on this site who think a magazine cover that expressly suggests use of a mobility aide equates to unfitness for leadership is a-ok, actually.
Also white people, you do not need to take upon yourselves to correct Black people online. That's something y'all ain't gotta do. If we're wrong, it's cool. We're usually way more accurate than y'all however. A white person stepping in to correct a Black one is in all cases a racist microagression.
A guy in a wheelchair "ran" the country triumphantly for over 12 years, but go ahead and keep showing your ass, The Economist.
“No way to run a country”: well, Economist editors, a man who used a wheelchair and a walker once saved your home country’s *ss, hm?
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
“I know you have ADHD, but I want you to take half a pill on even days & a full pill on odd days.” -Screw that “Daily mood tracking surveys!” -Screw that “You have PEM, but the bigger issue is clearly being unconditioned [read: fat], so I prescribe exercise!” -Screeeew thaaaat #Disability
Probably worth contemplating that well-scrubbed white American conservative Christians may be the most evil group of people in the history of mankind, when it comes down to the final tally of human suffering.
I'm not going to spread that Economist cover with the Presidential seal on a walker because I don't spread stomach-churning ableist trash, but what a shocking collapse of editorial standards. The editor who commissioned that image should be forced to resign in shame.
There’s people so shocked at how rude and sweary im getting at their labour defences but i think it’s important they learn that this is now the reaction labour will provoke in minorities. You got the tories out. Now you are the tories.