
Sometimes, such small things as the cooing of a wood pigeon on a hot but gradually cooling summer's afternoon can be the most evocative thing in the world. I suppose that for me, it's also reminiscent of childhood days in Chiang Mai, where it would have been zebra or spotted doves instead.
Spotted dove (_Spilopelia chinensis suratensis_). Photograph by Charles J. Sharp, Wikimedia Commons.
Morning doves over here. There's one who hangs out on my neighbors' roof and sings his little cooing song, and I love him.
love that sound, cooing in the hidden shade
This post made me smile🙂I just moved to Bangkok to be with my partner. I'll keep an eye out for those doves.😊
We have mourning doves, not sure how similar they are, but the sound always reminds me of waking up in the summer with my window open and the doves that nested outside my window cooing. All kinds of pigeons/doves are so lovely.
I hear them often from the lime tree outside my window. I don't know if they nest there, but they sure hang out a lot.
The wood pigeon is a stout and wobbling bird, one of the best.