Natee (they/them)

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Natee (they/them)

Natee Himmapaan (Puttapipat). Illustrator. Art, literature, history, natural history, world cultures, food. Depression, anxiety, & all that jazz. Non-binary (they/them). 🏳️‍🌈
Auction ends tomorrow. 🙏
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
Ducklings are the answer to what I need for the rest of the day, ty
The babies came to me again. (Mallard ducklings.)
The babies came to me again. (Mallard ducklings.)
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
Pudgy makes everything better. Someday I'm going to own a Pudgy but luckily for you that day is not today so maybe you can instead!
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
This healed me
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
I would very much like my football fan neighbours not to periodically startle me with blood-curdling screams, please.
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
Because exquisitely beautiful art with embedded puns must be shared. SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE!
Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
Included in the #SciArt Starter Pack: And the whole SciArt 🐡 Feed.
Interested in the intersection of art 🎨 and science🧪? Here’s my recommended #SciArt Starter Pack with a variety of compelling mediums and inspiring subjects.
SciArt Starter Join the conversation
Interested in the intersection of art 🎨 and science🧪? Here’s my recommended #SciArt Starter Pack with a variety of compelling mediums and inspiring subjects.
SciArt Starter Join the conversation
Can you imagine the magnitude of positive change JKR could have wrought if she had chosen the opposite direction? This thought occurred to me and it makes me indescribably sad and anguished.
Does anyone feel as I do about the phrase 'fair enough'? It's meant, of course, as a neutral acknowledgement, but it always has a faintly passive aggressive air to me. Whereas 'that's fair,' serving the same purpose, sounds much more genuinely conciliatory, somehow.
Spotted dove (_Spilopelia chinensis suratensis_). Photograph by Charles J. Sharp, Wikimedia Commons.
Sometimes, such small things as the cooing of a wood pigeon on a hot but gradually cooling summer's afternoon can be the most evocative thing in the world. I suppose that for me, it's also reminiscent of childhood days in Chiang Mai, where it would have been zebra or spotted doves instead.
Sometimes, such small things as the cooing of a wood pigeon on a hot but gradually cooling summer's afternoon can be the most evocative thing in the world. I suppose that for me, it's also reminiscent of childhood days in Chiang Mai, where it would have been zebra or spotted doves instead.
Beautiful model of _Asteriornis maastrichtensis_, the 'Wonderchicken'. From the exhibition, Birds: Beautiful and Bizarre, Natural History Museum, London.
Beautiful model of _Asteriornis maastrichtensis_, the 'Wonderchicken'. From the exhibition, Birds: Beautiful and Bizarre, Natural History Museum, London.
I’m cheating, I’m sharing another favourite artist because I can’t play favourites & their work is beautiful, intricate & delicate
Dappleglum Brown pencil on Fabriano Medioevalis, 132 × 85 mm. 2019. There are only sad unicorns in #Himmapaanland. #Junicorn
Albatross chicks are just fictional creations, really. From the exhibition, Birds: Beautiful and Bizarre, Natural History Museum, London.
Got myself a copy of's A Little Gay Natural History. :}
Gosh, I love it
Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
I love her
Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
Increasingly persuaded by the shrike's line of thought. If we're friends prior to BSk and you've seen me going feral elsewhere recently, you already understand. Anyway: please support David and Blue Aster and buy these snazzy buttons!
The winners of our recent bird button poll are now available in the shop! The people have spoken and the barn owl, crow, shrike, and woodcock are were the winners. 🎨🐡🪶
The winners of our recent bird button poll are now available in the shop! The people have spoken and the barn owl, crow, shrike, and woodcock are were the winners. 🎨🐡🪶
Katydid nymph (less than 1cm) on waning red salvia blossom!
"The poll questioned 75,000 people in countries representing almost 90% of the global population. It found a large majority (80%) wanted their countries to strengthen their climate change commitments, with only 5% saying their country should weaken its action."
Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll Largest ever climate survey also finds majority want countries to set aside differences to fight global heating
Deniers and profiteers are vastly overrepresented in the media, giving an outsize impression of their reach. In reality, the world is overwhelmingly united in the desire for bold action to address the climate crisis quickly.
"The poll questioned 75,000 people in countries representing almost 90% of the global population. It found a large majority (80%) wanted their countries to strengthen their climate change commitments, with only 5% saying their country should weaken its action."
Most people in petrostates want quick switch to clean energy, UN poll Largest ever climate survey also finds majority want countries to set aside differences to fight global heating