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In an interstellar burst šŸ‹ (she/they) I bake cookies to fund abortions and talk about ponies *a lot* and want to live in the sea. Always down for book recs provided you have impeccable taste. Still masking.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Drove into New Hampshire today, and immediately saw a ā€œDemocrats Will Protect Your Reproductive Rightsā€ billboard with an American flag and a bald eagle on it, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Excellent work. More of that please.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
"coronavirus is ā€œlike throwing a bomb in your body,ā€ said Dr. Ken Cadwell, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who studies how Covid affects the gut. ā€œYouā€™re going to feel that in multiple different organs, not just the lungs.ā€" (Gift link)
This May Be the Most Overlooked Covid Gastrointestinal issues are a common but often unrecognized sign of infection.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Well this is grim
You ever see a texture and you just have to try it (my proportions are way off and I omitted the figures but this was so much fun)
Wheat Field with Sheaves and Arles in the Background, 1888
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Daily bunny no.2542 is out on a calm empty sea
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Honestly I've got nothing left to say that I haven't already been screaming into the void for the last 1,578 days
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
i stole this from Reddit full disclosure
Good games are when your cursor turns into a little gauntlet and bad games are when it doesn't.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
I love potatoes. If you ignore other vegetables they become gross mush. If you ignore a potato it becomes a Creature. This is an approach I deeply respect
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Talk more about Trump being unfit because of his policies and plans and find common cause there.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
ACAB. The penguins are innocent.
Important penguin news
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
A squire rushed in to the great hall. "Someone," he shouted, "has taken the sword from the stone!" The assembled knights halted their dinner. "At last, a king?" "Who?" "I don't know," the squire said. "The sword is gone!" Elsewhere: "This," Indy muttered, "belongs in a museum. #MicroFiction
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
IN 150 CHARACTERS OR LESS Everything is on fire, but everyone I love is doing beautiful things and trying to make life worth living, and I know I don't have to believe in everything, but I believe in that. From these are the words by Nikita Gill (Macmillan Children's Books, 2022)
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Heat intolerance is a long covid symptom & side effect of many meds, from blood pressure to mental health medsā€¦ which are common post-covid needs. The rise of fascism during climate collapse & a covid surge is a real bad time to spread illness & disability. Wear an n95 in public. Resources in šŸ§µ
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
how i advertise bluesky to people
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if youā€™re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, youā€™ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
as usual one of the best predictors that a "leftist" will end up going red-brown is if they tend to show exaggerated hate or disdain for middle-aged mainstream-Democratic women
Ken Klip going full Glenn ā€œthe far right are my friendsā€ Greenwald
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
I once wrote a fact check of a Morgan Spurlock book. He included what he said was a direct quote from the FDA that aspartame causes cancer. I checked the footnote. An FDA newsletter did publish that claim ā€” but *only to specifically refute it*. Thatā€™s basically how Barrett quotes Madison here.
These mistakes originalist justices are making arenā€™t about disputed interpretations of history, with evidence on both sides. Theyā€™re pulling quotes out of context to attribute ideas to founding figures that those figures adamantly opposed. (via
The Supreme Court's Dubious Use of History in Department of State v. Justice Amy Coney Barrett's majority opinion includes significant errors, and violates some of her own precepts against excessive reliance on questionable history.
Yeah I didn't realize this, but I unsubscribed from that TTRPG thing and my spouse, who did not, can see that I have a label but I can't.
like they should probably put it in the rules somewhere that if you subscribe to a labeler, even for like two seconds, it never removes the label even if you unsubscribe/unlike the labeler
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Did you know that Trayvon Martin was interested in aviation & space? Working in the aviation industry? That he had his own flight suit from NASA? The Exhibit set to end/close in August, 2024 #AfroFuturism Go see it before it does
Trayvon Martinā€™s Flight Suit Will Be Displayed At This New Smithsonian Exhibit |
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
I swear I was at a beach well-known here in Newfoundland for humpback whales because there's a super steep drop-off mere meters away from shore so they can come up incredibly close while feeding on capelin but all of my photos look fake as hell because it looks impossible šŸŒæ
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
There should be a way you can never think about certain people again
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
The robot is not a bargaining unit member and must not be given bargaining unit work. Faculty unions should be looking over their contracts right now, figuring out exactly how to grieve or otherwise oppose the introduction of these systems.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is a free online library for anyone in the US, providing both ebook and audiobooks. Their mission is to build a liberated queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources. This is lifesaving work. Resist. Read. Spread the word. šŸ’™šŸ“ššŸŒˆ
Queer Liberation Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is fighting to build a vibrant, flourishing queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources that celebrate the unique and empoweri...
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
my aunt and uncle discovered a monkey figured out how to sneak into the attic after they turn off the lights, sleep on the couch, and leave in the morning. I thought deer were annoying but monkeys are a whole different level of nuisance
lmaooooo. apparently the monkey problem has been getting worse and they've been breaking into the houses, eating any food that's out šŸ˜‚
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
One of the least nuanced assumptions in US political discourse is that folks who have served or are related to people who have served are patriotic or pro-military. The collective memory and personal experiences of Black, indigenous, and other vets of color makes that way more complicated.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
As the daughter of a Black Vietnam vet who suffered life long pain from a service related injury but was constantly turned away from care by the VA I canā€™t even bring myself to read this. My father eventually died of a treatable condition at 62 b/c he was sent home to take ibuprofen by a VA doc.
A 2017 internal Veterans Affairs report shows Black veterans were more often denied benefits for PTSD than their white counterparts. The analysis crunched claims data from fiscal year 2011 through 2016. And disparate treatment started after WWI when it was still called shell shock. It continues.
Black veterans were denied VA benefits for PTSD more often than ā€œEver since I came back from Vietnam, I knew that I had a problem, but I didnā€™t know what it was," said one Black veteran.
Reposted byAvatar adišŸ‰
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine