
And he's leading in all the polls, so yeah it's newsworthy when Biden tells us that the next president will be Donald Trump.
That would be newsworthy if that had happened
I wouldn't put a lot of faith in a poll that claims black voters moved 40 points towards the GOP in the last four years but YMMV
You realise that this isn't the only poll with similar findings, right? There's been quite a consistent pattern across all the biggest polls for months now. Denial won't change that. When Biden loses, don't come running and say nobody saw it coming.
I mean if you believe that Trump is going to win with black voters, 18-29 year olds, and that this win will be carried on voters who didn't vote in 2020 (which these polls claim) then I don't think it's possible to talk you down
He just needs to peel enough of them away from Biden to win and that's what the polls have *consistently* shown is happening. Not just one poll. Not just one polling institute. The fucking lot of them. But ok, choosing to just ignore these consistent findings is certainly one way to go about it 🤷🏼