
So Politics Bluesky: If Kamala runs, who should her VP nom be?
Beshear. Not strong enough to be risked on a substitute campaign, good record, complementary to her experience. Harris-Shapiro is probably a stronger ticket, but Shapiro's probably better off being saved for 2028/2032. Roy Cooper also a good choice for same reasons.
A 2-point bump in NC isn't worth making a conservative southern governor the presumptive Dem nominee in 2032! And a going from losing KY by 26 to losing it by 20 is *definitely* not worth it
Roy Cooper will be 75 years old in 2032. No way anyone wants to rerun this nonsense anytime soon.
What’s the maximum age for a potential candidate then?
Too old: Clinton 2016 (68 y/o), Biden 2020, 2024 (77, 81 y/o), No mention of age in the press: Trump 2016,2020,2024(70, 74, 78 y/o), Bernie 2016, 2020 (74, 78 y/o)
in other words it's entirely a function of how you look on camera and whether you give the Times enough access
If Biden drops out, I think anyone 70 or up is going to get Biden comparisons for the foreseeable future. I would guess that any candidate who can overcome that is a strong candidate on the merits.
So basically, the age cap would be mid 50s. Maybe 56 at the oldest?
I’m not really disagreeing. I’m just thinking out loud!
In terms of how old they are now? I'd guess more like 60. Something like 1964-65 is my cutoff. So Pritzker would have one last shot, maybe, but if he can't swing in 2028 that's probably all she wrote. But the Beshear/Wes Moore young Xers feel like a demographic sweet spot. Shapiro too, at a stretch.
Yeah I was thinking age when elected to first VP term.