
So Politics Bluesky: If Kamala runs, who should her VP nom be?
Beshear. Not strong enough to be risked on a substitute campaign, good record, complementary to her experience. Harris-Shapiro is probably a stronger ticket, but Shapiro's probably better off being saved for 2028/2032. Roy Cooper also a good choice for same reasons.
A 2-point bump in NC isn't worth making a conservative southern governor the presumptive Dem nominee in 2032! And a going from losing KY by 26 to losing it by 20 is *definitely* not worth it
Roy Cooper will be 75 years old in 2032. No way anyone wants to rerun this nonsense anytime soon.
What’s the maximum age for a potential candidate then?
Too old: Clinton 2016 (68 y/o), Biden 2020, 2024 (77, 81 y/o), No mention of age in the press: Trump 2016,2020,2024(70, 74, 78 y/o), Bernie 2016, 2020 (74, 78 y/o)
in other words it's entirely a function of how you look on camera and whether you give the Times enough access