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Whatever happened to digging?
Calling on Biden to step down in favor of the Dems' best available candidate: Barack Obama with a fake mustache
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How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp. www.washingtonpost.com/climate-envi...
You ever think about how 90% of the people you used to talk to on Twitter looked at Elon's pro-Nazi, pro-CSAM policies and thought, eh, seems bad but I can't be bothered to give up my followers
Maybe the Times' psychiatric evaluation op-ed department can look into what's going on with JKR
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
it sure seems like they've made it legal for Biden to drone strike Trump
*SUPREME COURT PARTIALLY BACKS TRUMP ON IMMUNITY 6-3 conservatives with some partials. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
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*SUPREME COURT PARTIALLY BACKS TRUMP ON IMMUNITY 6-3 conservatives with some partials. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
scotusblog has added the ability to like individual lines on its liveblog and I find that very funny
I'm currently playing in a 5e Curse of Strahd campaign, and part of the fun for me as An Old is the confusing deja vu bits as I run into bits of lore and comparing them to the 1990s version of the setting
Reposted byAvatar yarrriv
Lots of people call themselves antifa in NY and yet the Times building remains free of graffiti, folks can walk in and out without getting egged, employees' cars don't get flat tires, nobody is projecting a giant picture of AG Sulzberger fellating Trump on the side of the building, etc
quick question David, how did that work out, who was elected
Asteroid opportunities: might wipe out all life on Earth Asteroid risks: this may not happen before November
June 30 is Asteroid Day to raise awareness of opportunities & risks posed by asteroids, their role in the formation of our solar system, their impact in space resources & importance of protecting Earth from impact. 🧪🐡🎢🔭 June 30, 1908 an approximately 12-megaton explosion that occurred near the 🧵1/n
Masterful gambit, sir. Exquisite
Macron: I see it all the time - these leaders, down in the polls, right after a big local or European election loss, they think they'll turn it around by calling a snap election. Lindsay: Well, did it work for those people? Macron: No, it never does. But... it might work for us
Me when my mutuals are on bsky: You know the best part of my day? It's the 10 seconds from when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door. Because I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. Me when they leave: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
I see LordBusinessman pulled the pin. Too bad. He was a good account. I wish him well.
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This is a big week for my "liberal democracy isn't a Nash equilibrium for a post-internet society" thesis
The Biden thing is a classic example of ageism in that he's basically Trump's age, but he *looks* older - Trump is obviously vain and makes a lot of effort to look younger - and what people care about is the appearance of age
Sometimes I wonder about is whether there’s ever any backlash to the extraordinary upsurge of ageism around Biden. Not people saying “he seems really old” - obviously he does - but the people who think this is a free pass to call him a “drooling senile retard” or make hospice care jokes and the like
Y'all make fun, but remember the shock when Rhode Island kept its second House rep despite of all but certain forecasts? Well, you know who's in charge of the Census Bureau? That's right, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. She rigged that one for RI and she can rig the election for herself
It mostly bothers me that they are out of order, it should be alpha, beta, gamma, delta, sigma, omega
they keep inventing new guys
This one is "learn English from TV and then immigrate to the Northeast, picking up y'all in DC"
There's a breakfast taco place on my street called La Tejana which I've taken to calling Late Jana
So at this point the Times is just a part of the Fox News universe I guess?
Change in Headline
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The great hypocrisy here is that they say it's Biden's duty to quit to save the country from Trump; but for the next four months the same people *are going to continue publishing op-eds by Trump supporters!* The danger is so great that Biden must quit, but not so much that the Times needs to change
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It's been as long since Paul left the site as Paul leaving the site was from his last "it's been as long since this movie as it was from that movie to an older movie" tweet
I think it's an interesting journalism dilemma for covering court decisions. With politicians you clearly shouldn't run what they say as factual, but for the courts the usual reporting is to equate what they say with what is or isn't true or constitutional
The language is also interesting, WaPo uses the factual "justices strike down" while NYT goes with "prosecutors overstepped"
The NY Times thinks the most important story of the day is the Jan 6 rioters sentencing (?) followed by Biden's debate performance getting about the same amount of space, with the restructuring of how all federal agencies work a distant third For comparison the Post has its priorities right
well, that's a relief, at least--- oh, he just means last for this term
hearing that Roberts' opinion articulates a clear standard to replace Chevron
Christ they overruled Chevron
Personally I think if you decided to run for governor of a state you don't live in and announced it before checking the basic eligibility conditions you should be disqualified from offering advice to political campaigns
well, historically Kristof is not known for checking basic facts before making big announcements
I'm "attracted to alcohol but don't generally get drunk" is what I say one drink before blacking out
The Temptation of Moopsy. An acrylic painting depicting the time Moopsy didn't want me to clean her cage, so I lured her out with a teaspoonful of rum. Did you know that hamsters are attracted to alcohol but don't generally get drunk? They are, all right. #FindFolkFriday