
Also I would have expected them to game this out a little further and realize this is putting a sword at your own neck. If Trump wins and you piss him off at any point for the rest of your life you're going to be arrested or worse and good luck drawing a distinction about official acts then
I think what's most surprising to me about the immunity decision is that I assumed the conservative justices saw trump as a liability, in the sense that they clearly have a free hand to implement an evil agenda without him. But apparently they actually really like him & welcome chaos
Trump is 79. The rest of his life is likely to end a lot sooner than the rest of mine or yours.
I wouldn't count on that
Fred had Alzheimer’s for the last ten years of his life. So a fickle, vain president with an enemies list who can’t remember his own name.
And the one after him? And the one after that?
The good thing and the bad thing about the future is that in most respects we don't actually know what it holds.