Mike Puterbaugh

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Mike Puterbaugh


I’m Mike
The Superkitties have again apprehended Professor Puppypants for stealing all the toys in Kittydale. It is his third strike and mandatory sentencing guidelines mean he will likely die in prison
Running the federal government is a difficult job, which is why it’s distributed amongst 2.2 million full time employees. I’m voting for the administration that hasn’t vowed to purge everyone competent or ethical from those ranks.
A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
Biden is too old. But he has surrounded himself with competent people and has had a conventional first term. Trump is authoritarian but inept. He has surrounded himself with people he hopes will make him more effective at authoritarianism. Neither is ideal. But these are not similar problems.
me: I wish politicians didn’t have to be trained and charismatic media sweethearts in order to get elected cursed monkey’s paw:
Please, I didn’t go through six years of Sex Predator School for you to call me MISTER Disrespect
The United Nations building should have one of those things where you can taste different Coca-Cola products from around the world
ME: (doesn’t go to work for 2 days) EVERYONE WHO KNOWS WHO I AM: what happened, did he die? I’m going to post that I hope he’s dead
I spent some time at the protest against the governor pulling the plug on congestion pricing, and then when walking to the train passed an ambulance that was stopped in crosstown traffic, siren blaring, due to congestion. I'm aware that there's irony there but it's not really very funny.
Franz Kafka and the Mothers of Invention
you've been hit by you've been struck by
If Trump is found innocent I hope the Quintessons still pull the lever that dumps him into the Sharkticon pit
4-hour explainer video on what's going on with Jenny Nicholson's eyelashes
What’s it called when someone conspires with a foreign party to undermine the United States’ duly elected government? Is there a word for it?
How can he still shock me after all this time? How is it possible? I have the absolute lowest opinion of him and yet he always can go lower.
Gated health insurance plans are bullshit. I shouldn’t have to schedule an appointment with my primary care provider before I’m allowed to see Pagliacci
“is trump a fascist” is almost incidental to the point, trump doesn’t actually “believe” much at all, but the more important question is “does trump recognize that he can harness fascism and ride it into authoritarian power on the backs of fascists” is pretty unequivocally a yes
Here in Bay Ridge there’s a street procession in support of Palestine every month or two, but the violent altercations we saw yesterday are new. I place the blame with outside agitators from One Police Plaza.
RFK Jr. isn’t going to see your funny little posts, but the worm who burrowed into his brain and is now piloting him Ratatouille-style will
Pounding a fifth of mezcal every day so the brainworm can have friends
KENDRICK: did you force that poor girl / to drool in a cup to make sure / she wasn't another of yours? DRAKE: I found out your friend Rick Ross is a former prison guard!!!
Has anybody asked Lee Bollinger how he thinks the new administration at Columbia has done since his retirement a year ago
Columbia University wants "essential services" employees to report to campus as usual tomorrow despite their admitted failure to maintain a safe environment. Anyone who clocks in is a scab
The people who broke window glass in The Capitol were allowed to amble out on their own time and 3 1/2 years later some of them still haven't been arrested for it.
I wonder how many of 2014's biggest Vine Stars are dead now
Jerry Seinfeld bemoaning that it's no longer possible to joke about The Moops
The university is the kids and the profs. The university is not the donors or the administration.
SGT. TUTUOLA: It's cocktail of estrogen and lidocaine. The kids are calling it Trans And Dental Medication
feeling unsafe and being unsafe are not the same thing