
A fun thought experiment is imagining how the US press would be describing this if it was happening in another country - say, Iran for example - if the US press still bothered covering other countries
“Pro-democracy advocates decry a decision handed down today by the country’s highest court that paves the way for the troubled nation’s recently deposed strongman to seize power and prosecute his political rivals.”
“The ruling, signed by several members of the court selected by the former leader as well as judges under a cloud of alleged corruption, declares acts of the country’s executive to be protected from prosecution, an unusual and dangerous precedent that threatens to heighten political tensions.”
“The ruling follows several days of decisions, widely seen as partisan, that largely dismantle the nation’s regulatory regime despite widespread opposition.”
Ex-newspaper reporter, the skills never really go away
I wish the Globe and Mail would pay you for that. Today’s SCOTUS decision is scary stuff.
I imagine they'd probably mention the fact that the high court was controlled by religious extremists
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Thanks.. 😊. Very good commentary!
So. What are some fucking #CoreActs open to #DarkBrandon to nail #Trump & prove that he is not the over-the-hill spineless woos that millions saw at the debate. It is fucking time to get down and DIRTY vs. wannabe #dictator Trump and the coup-continuing #IllegitimateSCOTUS. NICE is NOT going to win.
josh keating gave up doing 'if it happened here' because it just became the reality
I think about this every time the news uses the word “regime”.
All these “cooler heads will prevail” entrail readers were wrong and I want the worlds biggest mea culpa
Oh I've been thinking about that for a long time. Was definitely part of The Awakening. The US would be happily sanctioning the US if it was any other country.
Lots of handwringing and finger pointing for sure
There are other countries? I live in the United States of Amnesia too btw. Houston, we have a problem.