
No we don't! You can't just say this in your headline and then not quote a single archaeologist in the article!
The reason you know it really hasn't caused any actual damage or loss of scientific information is because if it had you'd have immediately had a statement from English Heritage saying "Holy shit, this is awful, these people have caused actual damage and loss of scientific information".
Mad that a bit of carefully selected powder that washes of in rain is vandalism of our valued heritage, but every time some listed building 'accidently' collapses whilst developers are stood next to it, or our rivers gets filled with shit it's 'whoopsie, never mind'.
Ngl I thought they were total dickheads for doing it but the mainstream response is pushing me towards a conclusion that it's good actually
They're dickheads but only because it's a total strategic own goal to get yourself nicked for something that achieves literally nothing, but not for any other reason.
saw a pagan talk about how it felt disrespectful to them as someone who viewed it as a worship site. i think one of these days they're going to accidentally do something really destructive that they just figured wasn't permanent
I'm not gonna get into a theological debate about modern paganism. I respect their right to it as a sacred site, but they don't have any more cultural claim to it than anyone else. And you can't translate from what they "might accidentally" do in the future to make a moral judgement about this.
I think in this case it's more the risk of alienating people who would otherwise be sympathetic. I know ecologically conscious pagans who're upset. Sure, we should all check our privilege and examine why x or y makes us uncomfortable but the ex-comms guy in me asks if the tactics serve the objective
Oh I fully agree, and I don't understand why they keep doing it when they had so much greater public support for the Tufton Street offices action. A lot of people saying "why not do an oil CEO's offices instead" etc are being disingenuous when they say it, but they're not *incorrect*.
I'm not making a moral judgment.
Fair, I might have misunderstood you. I agree it's not a very effective form of activism, and not worth getting nicked for. I just also don't think it's worth anyone getting upset over. It's washed off, no damage has been done, and the Solstice celebration is not being in any way disrupted.
Me neither - more a competency one. But as someone pointed out, these days it's a very narrow margin for doing something serious enough to get lots of coverage but not going to prison for a very long time
after mastering the art of the passive voice, news publications are looking into unlocking the secret technique of 'make up a guy'
[archaeologists pointing at tunnel] guys
I heard that the "paint" they used was just colored cornstarch. is that right?
It's interesting how often the term has changed. First it was "paint", then "spray paint", then it was "powder paint" and just heard "orange powder" on the news. Can't let facts get in the way of being the first to post the story and get the most outrage.
"5000 year-old monument 'now just rocks' after encountering some vegetable pigment, experts say."
They've been there for thousands of years but... A little paint.... Yeah. Some other archéologists say it's bollocks.
No archaeologists "fear for Stonehenge" because of this, and they clearly couldn't find a single on to day they did. English Heritage have basicaly just ignored that it happened.
They couldn't possibly be making stuff up, that would be dishonest surely. 😉
I'd not be surprised if some of the historic celebrations at Stonehenge, when it was still active, involved decorating the stones in various ways the past was more colourful than we imagine
Nah, it was all black and white. Walt Disney invented colour.
I grew up in the 1950s, there was very little colour then 😹😹
We had colour in the 70s but it was all vaguely brown.
Too bad it hardly ever rains in England.
followup headline: Archaeologists Say Yes We Can, Try To Stop Us
Why do they keep calling it paint?
I suspect you already know the answer to that one.
Yes. Also begs to wonder when paint became a villain 😂
A few stones, several million years old, held in position for 5000 years are not going to be damaged by coloured cornflour. However, some “specialist” company and “consultants” are going to make tens of thousands of £ cleaning it off. Whilst Fred with a jet wash could do it in an hour, for £200.
Engis Heritage have already said they've cleanedit off and there's no sign of any damage at all.
Hell bells! Some common sense, at last!
My Googling is feeble. Have you got a link for that?
It was on radio 4 this morning, so I dondon't have a link I'm afraid, but I'm sure they'll have something up soon.
Its literally a bunch of rocks thats been weathering in place for thousands of years. Theyd be fine even if you had to scrape the paint off.
Orange cornstarch on a major landmark: "Vandals! Criminals! How dare they do such a thing!?" Literal genocides, climate destruction, and corportate greed killing all our futures: *crickets* Behold the power of propaganda.
FYI: for all JSO's good intentions, it feels like they're not picking the right targets and, in so doing, are alienating the very grassroots supporters their cause needs. It's enough to make you paranoid about who is truly funding them 😑
I know who's funding them, it's Roger Hallam and his mates. I agree, their tactics are pretty piss-poor, although imo it's more because they get loads of people nicked without any real material gains to show for it. I don't think anyone on any side of the debate is changing their mind either way.
Thanks, the uniquely turdlike delivery of utter bollocks gave it away.
*journalist in archeologist voice* "yes uh, yes we are!"
What's worse for the site, orange paint or roads?
Probably better not to do either...
I saw Good Morning America was framing it this way before immediately saying it was all cleaned up lol
Wasn't the British government literally talking about demolishing this to build a highway?
No, they're not "building a road under Stonehenge". There is an application for a DCO with is under Judicial review and may uet not pass, to maybe build a tunnel bypass to the A303, further away than the existing A303 but where the entrance and exit are within the overall UNESCO World Heritage Site