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i am the Number One isobel on this site!
izzy works too! she/they, 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈. one piece, games (video and board), books (mostly fantasy)
vaguely dc-adjacent

(pfp stolen from idk, credit to whoever you are)
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sealing Ken Klippenstein in the Krassenstein's shared coffin
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bummer to see Ken K following a scattered trail of money down the path to Glenn Greenwald's house, I remember way back when he was a fun dude hanging out trolling with garbagetwitter capitalism comes for us all guess
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It took me years to realize the Krassensteins and Klippenstein were different guys and it looks like I wasted my time
What the fuck is this
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going about your day, suddenly you feel yourself pulled mercilessly to another place, another plane of existence full of maddening light where the very air around you is *wrong*, a world so strange that just being here leaves its impression, irreparably warping and twisting your very body (1/3)
you can vote for up to three per page, so consider also checking these
Y'all, Michigan is holding a competition for new voting stickers where you don't have to be a resident to vote and I NEED THIS ONE TO WIN LIKE I NEED TO BREATHE. Please go vote for it and spread this around.
going about your day, suddenly you feel yourself pulled mercilessly to another place, another plane of existence full of maddening light where the very air around you is *wrong*, a world so strange that just being here leaves its impression, irreparably warping and twisting your very body (1/3)
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I like the ttrpg bot but I think I should be able to mute my interactions with it so I don't feel like I'm larping in the middle of a mall or something
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WERNER HERZOG: cast into the wilderness by an uncaring mother, the child must choose a companion, a beast of unnatural capabilities through which to channel his will. they will not rest until every gymnasium lies in ruin. ASH: where's professor oak HERZOG: this lizard is on fire
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Lake Village Lake, previously named Alcohol and Drug Abuse Lake, is a reservoir in Richland County, South Carolina, United States
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Never insert a Q tip into ear canal is a suggestion, just like don’t take medication with alcohol.
us political system dot jpeg
Easily one of the funniest two-liners in the entirety of the Canonical Simpsons
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my dream job is "phantasmagoria ghost baby"
"dress for the job you want" ok how the fuck am i supposed to dress like a sentient mist that just kinda floats around all day
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many disputes online can be avoided by simply repeating this mantra: "I'm not reading your essay, nerd"
honestly they need to stop making so many Trails games, every time i think about trying to get into it the mountain in front of me just gets bigger
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“wait for more information to come out”, first of all the current information, including Neil Gaiman’s statements (which are the most positive spin he could come up with) are damning enough and you can’t seriously believe any new revelations will exonerate him
i'm gonna hit the level cap and still be running at the first sight of prawn
PSA America It's Sir Fuckface, or (the) Chief Shitbag, or just the surname.
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using my reading comprehension & pattern recognition here for a moment...little bit of a highlighter Neil Gaiman definitely, definitely did it
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The simple fact is no one would be doing these mental acrobatics if the allegations came out about someone we didn't "like" and that unfortunately says so much about who has principles and who doesn't.
im quite comfortable believing victims now and eating my hat later if this all turns out to be false. erring on the side of victims seems like the rational and morally decent play here but maybe im built different
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today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
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my trick in case this helps anyone else: fia is next to the blacksmith > when she hugs you she says "you are... very warm" in a way that makes me feel Extremely Normal™️ > that door is next to the fireplace > fireplaces are warm > i would throw myself on the fire for fia > hug me death mommy > i lov
it only took like 40,000 trips to the roundtable hold, but i finally figured out a way to remember which door goes to the blacksmith without me somehow going the wrong way twice fuckin USB ass home base
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Amanda Palmer is two roads diverging in a wood and both of them Are the worst
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c'mon, lemme fight that guy ☹️
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It’s summer so here’s a friendly reminder that these are house centipedes and despite looking curséd nightmare lace they are harmless, eat tons of flies and mosquitos, and don’t cause damage to your property. Let ‘em hang out with you!
every fromsoft game has to have that one line from an NPC that inexplicably makes your *soul* horny
my trick in case this helps anyone else: fia is next to the blacksmith > when she hugs you she says "you are... very warm" in a way that makes me feel Extremely Normal™️ > that door is next to the fireplace > fireplaces are warm > i would throw myself on the fire for fia > hug me death mommy > i lov
my trick in case this helps anyone else: fia is next to the blacksmith > when she hugs you she says "you are... very warm" in a way that makes me feel Extremely Normal™️ > that door is next to the fireplace > fireplaces are warm > i would throw myself on the fire for fia > hug me death mommy > i lov
it only took like 40,000 trips to the roundtable hold, but i finally figured out a way to remember which door goes to the blacksmith without me somehow going the wrong way twice fuckin USB ass home base
it only took like 40,000 trips to the roundtable hold, but i finally figured out a way to remember which door goes to the blacksmith without me somehow going the wrong way twice fuckin USB ass home base
It’s summer so here’s a friendly reminder that these are house centipedes and despite looking curséd nightmare lace they are harmless, eat tons of flies and mosquitos, and don’t cause damage to your property. Let ‘em hang out with you!