
Modern "debates" are dueling press conferences with a split screen They serve zero purpose
To really drive this home, Trump just said, "Biden doesn't like the military" which is a lie, and almost funny given everything we know, and the topic was nominally immigration None of that may matter because this is not about policy or truth
My D friends are wetting themselves over how it's going, when *it was always going to go this way*
I take it it’s going pretty much like a manifestation of that aphorism about arguing with an idiot? Drag you down to their level and beat you with experience?
Biden looks his age and gets tripped up by specifics. Same as it ever was. Trump says insane shit that neutral parties accept as fact and then move on. Same as it ever was.
It sounds like a lower volume 2020. Why is all the democrats freaking out? We are nominating a convicted criminal. I just see a reboot not a Trump landslide
Persistent trauma from 2016. That’s going to take a long time to go away.
Ordinarily I click "like" before a reskeet, but somehow "like" is exactly the wrong sentiment here...
That should be "neutral" parties
Chess with a pigeon, actually. It doesn't matter how good a chess player you are, the pigeon will knock over the pieces and shit on the board.