
In working to re-examine previously made or never really examined categorization decisions, I've revisited this goal. Want/Need is the categorization with the fuzziest borders I can think of, which also has one of the biggest impacts of any categorization on group decisions. I'm going to try to...
My goal is a world where every living thing's wants and needs are met. That is impossible. Time to get started.
…let decisions on where something is in the unbounded-dimensional space of "Rights", where the signifier implies the existence of borders, be as deeply considered and researched as possible when making decisions on action and group action, especially around conflict. I think this captures that:
Universal comfortable co-existance is a goal. It's no less impossible, we should still get started.
If this is anarchism, I may have just become an anarchist.
There is no anarchism, only anarchists.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that—in the best way possible—you just broke my brain. I’m going to be unpacking those six words for a long time. I wish I could hug you. May I offer you a shared dish of ice cream instead?
There is anarchist systems everywhere. On different levels in different verticals.
HANNAH I fucking love that framing, beautifully perfect. theory helps us think about the choices we make but it's all just anarchists making those choices on their own. no two anarchists will have the exact same reading list, exact same understanding. no anarchist can enforce a dogma.
I am going to rotate this in my mind for days it's a lightning bolt.